December 6, 2012

Of smiles and hearts

the Quezon City Sikap Buhay stall at the Blue Market social enterprise fair At the Blue Market social enterprise fair where I took yesterday's photo, I was immensely gratified to learn about Quezon City's Sikap Buhay Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives Office. More than just a microfinance program, the office helps its poor clients with business development and planning, and it also helps the micro enterprises find new customers and markets. In fact, their stall in the fair featured the handicrafts of several cooperatives and enterprises, which included bags, mats and picture frames woven from fabric scraps, used paper and foil packs. Less garbage for the city, livelihood for the city's poor, and useful products for their customers. Everyone wins.


  1. Microfinancing seems to be making a huge difference for communities around the world. It's wonderful to see the fruits of the labors of this process.

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my recent post.

  2. Something great for the community.


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