March 30, 2013

A journey around the parking lot

Stations of the Cross at the parking lot of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Stations of the Cross at the parking lot of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish The Way of the Cross is a devotion that many Filipino Catholics go through during Lent, especially during Holy Week. So people can do this mini pilgrimage to the scenes of Christ's sufferings and death without disturbing those attending other Holy Week services inside the church, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish closed off its parking lot and set up the stations around it.


  1. Interesting idea. Looks to be well attended.

  2. That's nice.
    I just watched the Way of the Cross from Rome. Meditations written by young Lebanese--very appropriate for the Middle East. At the end the Maronite monks sung their hymns in Arabic.

  3. It's always so interesting to see how the holiday is celebrated around the world. I do not think we've anything here akin to this. Hope you enjoy a good holiday weekend.

  4. Nice portrait of them doing the stations of the cross! I notice all the sandals since we are still wearing coats and waiting for the snow to melt over here....
    Happy Easter to you and yours, Hilda!!

  5. I've not seen this done before. Here in this country the media has been busy describing in words and photos the more bloody representations of the way of the cross in the Philippines. It seems the sensational things always win out media-wise.

    Happy Easter to you.

  6. This used to be open and the stations of the cross inside the church were ornately carved in wood. If I remember clearly. I wonder why the church closed.


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