June 26, 2008

Unusual taste

Blissful Belly, the little vegetarian restaurant (well, it's really more like a small canteen) along Xavierville Avenue in Quezon City, has some unusual juices. The reddish drink on the left is tamarind iced tea and the greenish one on the right is sugarcane juice. The tamarind tea tasted so much like the rolled-in-sugar tamarind candy we have here, it felt weird drinking it. Amazingly, the sugarcane juice wasn't as sweet as I thought it would be. Both tasted very good, but I'm doubtful of the health benefits attributed to them.

tamarind iced tea and sugarcane juice


  1. this inspires me to have my first java joe cup of the day -- iced!

  2. They look nice. I bet you'd have to keep your teeth clean, all that suger might rot them! :)

  3. I'd like to try the tamarind one! Sounds interesting hehe

  4. Unusual taste but very interesting, I'd try that.

  5. I love fresh juice! Gorgeous colour contrast in the shot (the juices, the runner beneather it, etc.)

  6. I had some delicious sugarcane juice when I was a kid in Malaysia and Singapore. The tamarid tea is available here in NYC. The hispanic population drink it quite frequently.


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