July 26, 2008

The games children play

Well, not children exactly, but they're all kids to me now. I was on my way home from work one Saturday afternoon when I encountered these college students playing in one of the lawns of the Ateneo de Manila University. They had just finished playing dodge ball (using the large pink ball that the girl in the apple green t-shirt is holding) and were re-grouping to begin their obstacle course on another lawn. They were probably members of one student organization, using games to get to know each other and learn how to work with one another. I remember that we did too—quite some time ago.

college students playing


  1. Games are indeed the best way to get people together, get to know one another better, and work together ... Do you have a closer angle of this? I'd love to see the excitement on their faces as they were playing the game. Must be a lot of fun.

  2. Dodge ball...that brings back memories from my childhood. Thanks for posting this photo :)

  3. Wow, that's a big ball to use for dodge ball. In my school, they always used those smaller red ones, that really stung when they hit.

  4. Ahh....the college years. Young and naive, innocent and awkward, carefree and self-conscious. Good times.

    But I won't want to be 18 again. :-)

  5. Excellents, ces stages, pour permettre aux jeunes de connaître les autres. C'était autrefois le but du "bizutage" en France, mais celui-ci a dégénéré en plaisanteries de mauvais goût et en humiliations. Le bizutage est maintenant interdit en France.

  6. great time to be single and mingle!

  7. P.E. class? I took dancing, table tennis, volleyball and basketball back then...your photo does bring back memories....=)


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