July 30, 2008

The search

I don't know what it's like in the rest of the Philippines, but every time there's a civic project in Metro Manila, our local officials and politicians always make sure that their picture is included in the posters, banners and streamers announcing the project. The third district of Quezon City has a search for the cleanest barangay (the smallest unit of government in the Philippines) and Congressman Mat Defensor's image is in all the posters. Maybe he can encourage his constituents to begin by cleaning the utility poles. STUCK IN TRAFFIC SERIES #2

2008 Search for the Cleanest Barangay


  1. Ils veulent nettoyer la barangay ? Il y a de la pollution ? ou de la corruption ?

    Mettre sa photo partout c'est aussi une pratique française. Un journal comme Le Canard Enchaïné en fait même un concours : "ma bobine partout"

  2. comme melanie, je pense que c'est dans tous les pays la même chose. En France, ils auraient tendance aussi a passer à la télévision pour un oui et pour un non ;o)

    as melanie , I think it is in all countries the same thing. In France, they would tend also go on television to a yes and for no ;o)

  3. It's a great way to get free publicity, or, publicity the taxpayers pay for.

  4. That is kind of comical. NYC politicians wouldn't dare to that. They would announce it on TV and get all the media possible involved. I guess they are the same the world over.

  5. Same here in Butuan also, but I make it a rule not to show their faces on my blog. Hehe


  6. Hilda, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my question. I visited all the links you gave and read with interest. We have similar situation more or less.

    Though corruption is still a big problem, situation is getting a lot better now, thanks to the all powerful Commission for Corruption Eradication (KPK) that Indonesia established as part of the reform package. A lot of high ranking public officials and even members of the parliament are now being tried and some have been sentenced and fined heavily for illegally reciving money or kickbacks.

    About this post: I think that's what politicians are good at: promoting themselves and making themselves look good in the eyes of their constituents. It's all right if they really do a good job, though.

  7. Isn't it funny how a politician looks like a politician no matter where in the world you are?

  8. Aha, some things are common everywhere. But your comment on cleaning up is so right on!

  9. It really is ironic that a project about cleaning up involves plastering more paper on the poles!

    Interesting post and photo, Hilda. I really enjoy seeing Manila through your lens.

  10. So he was the "most outstanding congressman of 2007"...gotta keep your face before the voter's.

  11. I also find that they are seen a little too much, for the utility which they have

  12. hmmmmmm.....
    Politicians seem to be the same world-wide....


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