July 24, 2008

Sweet and savory in Bretagne

I never liked savory crepes or galettes until I tried those of Café Breton. After eating my crepe with great relish, I realized what other restaurants did wrongly: they use exactly the same batter for their dessert and savory crepes, which is slightly sweet and therefore tastes strange with meat or seafood. To distinguish between the two, Café Breton uses the word 'galette' for their savory meals and the word 'crepe' for the desserts (although if you look for their definitions in an English dictionary, you get the same description). The mural at the Trinoma branch of Café Breton caught my eye: a pretty accurate map of historic Britanny.

Café Breton


  1. Where's the photo of the food? :)

  2. In Bandung, the put almost everything on crepes! Though, I like the plain one, so they always look at me strangely when I order my crepe.

    Hilda, fire in Indonesian languange is "api". It's quite similar with tagalog, isn't it?

  3. hope you had some wine with your crepe!

  4. un petit coin de France, voila ce qui fait plaisir à voir ;o)
    a small corner of France, here is what are pleased to see ;o)

  5. The best crepe I ever had was about six years ago in Santa Barbara, California, at a place called Pacific Creperie. The woman talked to me in French the entire time, with a cheerful smile, no matter what I said in English. It was charming. I remember the texture of the savory meat was finely shaven, and the overall effect was delicate and delightful. Thanks for reminding me of it.

  6. Bonjour de Bretagne ! Ici la galette reste une nourriture très appréciée. Il en est vendu dans les rues le mercredi et le vendredi et il y a de nombreuses crêperies. Dans toutes les fêtes, ici, il y a des marchands de galettes.

    La galette est faite avec de la farine de blé noir (= sarrasin). Elle est accompagnée de toutes sortes de bonnes choses : saucisse, bacon, jambon, fromage, boudin, oeuf etc, sans oublier le beurre (salé).

    La crêpe est faite avec du froment (= blé). On la mange au sucre, à la confiture, avec des pommes, des amandes ou du chocolat ou flambée à l'eau de vie, au rhum, à l'armagnac, au grand-marnier, etc.

    Avec les galettes et les crêpes, on ne boit pas de vin. On boit du cidre ! Brut de préférence .

    Et tout se déguste avec solennité et grand plaisir. Si vous venez par ici, je vous en ferai goûter !

    Tout savoir sur le blé noir, ici (avec photos : http://www.journal-la-mee-2.info/spip.php?article1665

    Merci d'avoir apprécié le plat traditionnel de la Bretagne.

  7. Hi Hilda - yes, show us a picture of the food, too. Crepes are so beautifully presented, it "adds" to the flavor.

  8. "Louis" has some recipes for crêpes at his recipe blog.

    "Louis" was able to see the Tall Ships sail under the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday.

  9. Hilda, what a great blog! Thanks for visiting mine. I'm looking forward to exploring Manila with you.

    Uselaine, I agree with you about Pacific Crepery!



  10. I believe you ate the crepe fast enough and never took a photo right? :)

    you have some great shots here well done.

  11. Happy,

    First of all, I would like to thank you so much. both for dropping by my last post(Emphasis on'LAST') and for putting my blog on your links part. Thank you very much.

    Next, I am so sorry because I haven't posted for a while now. Not just because I'm busy from school but because of our internet connection that was ancient till last month. Complaints have been flooding from SM Dasma's Globelines. I am so pissed off by them! Actually, everyone is here in Cavite that the connections were unavailable for a month now!

    I just went here to say hello and I love your post! I just hope I can make one myself sometime and be back here again. i haven'tposted because we were just trying the connection using cellfones. And it's quite good to say So I just dropped by your page! Thank you so much and hope to here fromm you again soon!

    God Bless you and Mabuhay!


  12. This looks like a fun restaurant to try. Next time I'm in Manila I should give it a go. Pretty sure that won't be anytime soon, though I did enjoy my experience in the city the one time I was there. But that was years ago...back in 1999, I believe.

  13. Ah, les galettes de froment. I don't know, never really like that. It's ok but not something I would really crave. Crèpes on the other hand..


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