August 6, 2008

Behind the box office

I took this photo inside the office at the back of the Ayala Cinemas ticket counter. There were several office desks, one of which was piled high with cash—it was behind a high partition but I saw it anyway. The chairs for visitors were theater seats, and in one corner was this: busted computer monitors, a box full of ticket stubs, and movie posters! And one box was for movies that are still to be shown a few months from now. I was so tempted to swipe some, I tell you. (And I have a little problem: I promised the lady I was talking to that I'd thank her in this blog. The problem is, I didn't write down her name and now I've forgotten it. Maybe it's just as well—her boss might not approve her letting me take the picture. You know who you are, girl—thank you!)

movie poster and ticket stubs


  1. What a great sneak peek behind the curtain.

  2. Hilda, I think you missed your true calling..investigative reporter! You go girl!

  3. How fun! It reminds me of my year working at a movie theater during college. It's a world unto itself.

  4. Oops sorry hilda. This is my real comment---

    I understand about the urge to swipe some posters. cinema house are so strict about these things. they don't even sell it.wlnpizu

  5. Oh, I would love to snoop through that box of movie posters! I wonder what they do with it..ugestu

  6. A desk covered with cash?! And you wanted to take movies? You are a saint! ;-)

  7. Hilda, I think you'll be a great news photographer! Really!


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