September 11, 2008

Dos mil

Early last month, I mentioned that my husband and I watched the Philippine Educational Theater Association's "Noli at Fili: Dekada 2000 (Dos Mil)" and I just realized that I completely forgot to post a photo about it. I guess I was too distracted by the police cars and the bomb squad. I wasn't able to take a good picture of the stage because it was too dark and I didn't want to use the flash and risk getting thrown out of the theater. But a scale model of the stage designed by Gino Gonzales was in the lobby, and that's what you're seeing now (you can enlarge the photo by clicking on it). The armchair is called a butaka, the design of which dates back from the Spanish colonial era. I doubt very much if this is an antique though. For one thing, no one will allow her butaka antique to be painted like this. For another, the old butaka chairs I've seen recline more and the arms are much longer. In fact, it won't be incorrect to call them legchairs—it's hard to resist putting yours legs up on the arms once you're sitting on it.

scale model of PETA's Noli at Fili stage design


  1. this is a wacky design for a chair - i think i would like one in my house, only if it has a cushion on it!

  2. i forgot to mention that 3 months does seem like a long time off form school - but the government thinks it's perfectly logical, as well as the 2 weeks off at christmas and another 2 weeks at easter - this is probably why greece is the kind of country that cannot move forward very much every year

  3. Oh, I really like that chair! I can see what you mean about putting your legs up. How could you not?

  4. Nice chair, looks comfy. I want one!

  5. I see similarities to what we call Adirondack chairs in the U.S. - they even paint them that crazy sometimes.

  6. Very interesting about the chair. I'd love to try it!

  7. Hello Manila Photo. See my theme day post for September 1st--for our sister city..

  8. très bonne idée cette photo de la maquette.

    very good idea this picture of the model.

  9. It's a beautiful chair, antique or not. Yes, I can see myself propped down on it with a nice cushion for the back and my feet up on the arms.

    In fact, it looks like there is even enough room to put a glass of beverage. ;-)

  10. I Love the chair Hilda! But what I like the most, just look at that stunning diorama at the table. It lookjs very artistically filipino! I am ashamed of myself for not listening to my Noli and El Fili teacher. But I promise myself that one of this days when all the loads from school would be lessen, I will read those.

    Have a great Weekend!


  11. I like the chair. i think i remember seeing a similar chair a long time ago. The paint on that chair looks like a milder form of camouflage.

  12. I love that little set, especially the chair.


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