March 8, 2009

Garden gate and topiary

From director Ricardo G. Abad's notes on Tanghalang Ateneo's staging of Aristophanes' Lysistrata, translated into Tagalog by Jose F. Lacaba:
    Aristophanes staged Lysistrata at a time when Athens, his beloved city state, had just lost a major battle against Sparta and was slated to suffer more routs catastrophic enough to end the golden age of Ancient Greece. That Aristophanes would write a comedy about a horrific war, and a sex comedy at that, testifies to the playwright's irreverent spirit and his powers to think out of the box.… So angry must Aristophanes have been that he took what at that time was an absurd idea, housewives as change agents, and gave these women the task of making men end the war.
This is the set that Gino G. Gonzales designed for the play. I know that it's a cheeky way to commemorate International Women's Day—and a unique entry for Scenic Sunday too—but I think Aristophanes would have approved.

Gino Gonzales' stage design for Tanghalang Ateneo's Lysistrata

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Scenic Sunday


nobu said...

Beautif lights.

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are beautiful. I used to do topiary on flower arrangement though. This is some great artwork.

Happy Women's Week Hilda! Be Proud!

crocrodyl said...

Like from fairy tale:) Beautiful! Great shot!

penny said...

Beautiful scenic sunday and IWD post, Hilda. Thanks for you visits. Enjoy!

Julie said...

what an interesting stage of topiary and light. I think it is a great way to celebrate international women's day. thanks for the reminder. I always enjoy following your site and learning interesting facts and history.

Linnea said... those topiaries!! Great shot. Thanks for sharing.

Bryan said...

Interesting colored lighting. Great photo!

Gerald (SK14) said...

Ah you've made me smile today

Lois said...

It's very pretty Hilda! Thank you for all of your kind comments on my blog!

lunarossa said...

Absolutely perfect for the play. Ver provocative too. Hope you'l like the show. Ciao. A.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Hilda: First, thank you for not only looking at the our Sunday post, but also reading it through and through. If I find out more about the St. Benedict's, I'll let you know.

As for your Sunday post, the color is fabulous!!

I am a terrible black and white photographer, because before seeing composition, subject, anything else, I see color. And WOW! how those colors on that set go together.

Is your profession related to the stage or are you just a dedicated patron? Forgive if this question is too personal. I ask because of all the daily photo sites, you capture theater more than any I've seen.

Unknown said...

This is a great set! Although very contrasting, I enjoy being able to see the ceiling too. Fantastic composition!

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

I love the colours, the simplicity and the lighting, Hilda, and you've captured it beautifully.

 gmirage said...

Wow! so much hardwork for a stage play? ANg ganda naman, hope though the conservatives in Ateneo dont find the art offensive...or is it just me? :D

Lisa Wilson said...

Cheeky choice! Haha!! I like the colors glowing.

abc said...

Hope you had a happy Women's Day Hilda!

अविनाश said...

simply beautiful!

USelaine said...

Cheeky it is! Perfect for both IWD and scenery. Thanks for your visits, Hilda.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Fascinating and cheeky image,

Photo Cache said...

Oh it is beautiful and the lighting is gorgeous.

betty-NZ said...

Breathtaking! It's so gorgeous!

Lowell said...

What the hey, I approve, too, as if that makes any difference. Sexy, yes. Methinks that Gonzales guy deliberately did those phallic posts or whatever.

Great shot, Hilda, and thanks for the background.

Baruch said...

A beautiful stage setting - great lighting

Kerslyn said...

beautiful set and lighting too.

since I cannot leave my name and URL, here's the permalink to my entry

Bergson said...

lumineux !!

I like this photo blue and green

Anonymous said...

Ooh goodness it's enough to make a girl blush! lol

i love the colours on this photo!

Anonymous said...

The photo is stunning - the lighting is awesome and the topiaries are perfectly charming. I don't think I can say that I have ever seen phallic symbol bushes before!

angela said...

What a great set :)) made me smile.
I think it's an excellent choice.

escape said...

wow! nice set. you rarely see sets this beautiful.

Michel Benoit said...

What curious tree pruning !

Regina said...

Hi. Kabayan. It's beautiful. Nice shot... I'm just new to blogger. Nangangapa pa.