May 20, 2009

Pastel neo-classical

On my third and final trip to the Philippine Postal Corporation last week, my officemate and I arrived early for our meeting which gave me time to cross the street to the Liwasang Bonifacio (Bonifacio park) to take a photo of the entire façade of the Manila Central Post Office building. The plaza with the huge fountain, located in the middle of the park, is named the Central Fountain Park of Manila, but I don't think anyone actually calls it that. Everyone just calls it Liwasang Bonifacio or even by its name during the American period: Plaza Lawton.

full facade of the Manila Central Post Office building with the fountain of Liwasang Bonifacio

Natural or man-made, take a refreshing dip in Watery Wednesday.
Watery Wednesday


  1. Impressive fountain in front of a grand building! Great photo!

  2. It dose look inviting enough to take a little dip...
    Wonderful photo Hilda, have a great day:D

  3. Looks like a nice place to relax in the shade. I like fountains - they're very restful to watch.

  4. Ha, that's a real splashy fountain. Great shot for WW.
    Mine is here:
    Today's Blah...

  5. I like this full frontal view of the post office. It really is an impressive building!

    There is a city in Oklahoma (my home state) named Lawton - and I didn't even know it was named for a General! Neat to know that there is an Oklahoma - Philipines connection there.

  6. Wow that building is impressive! I like the columns and the fountain is very nice!

  7. That is quite a magnificent building, and you've certainly done it justice with your photo, Hilda!

    Excellent job!

  8. The building is beautiful, and the fountain looks great. I like the photo so much.

  9. That is a huge fountain. It's wonderful! :-)

  10. Thank you for posting this picture. It has been on my mind of late about this post office that I used to frequent while I was working there.
    I could not remember about the fountain if it was there though. Haven't been home in 20+ years. Mind if you will allow me to copy for old time sake? I'll await your reply. Thanks.

  11. This is a beautiful photo - it's very clear & that IS a huge fountain! Very nice

    Prayers are needed, swing back by my page for details, please!

  12. Awesome shot you got here. I love the Philippine flags waving esp the in the middle.

    Happy WW! :)

  13. A classic photo of this grand old building and beautiful fountain, Hilda. Well done!

  14. I can't get my head round the fact that that's a post office - it looks like it should be an important government building!

  15. Perfect background for a magnificent fountain. Wonderful square and very good choice for a photo. (I have a soft spot for fountains).

  16. I'm glad you had time to get this picture -- it's a beauty!

  17. it really is an impressive building and fountain!

  18. A truly impressive looking building with those columns. And with the fountain in the foreground this is a great photo. A postcard view, in the sense of it being a classic shot of a well known subject, or in this case a landmark.

  19. What a grandiose building! I like your unusual choice for Watery Wednesday.
    Dear Hilda, thank you for your well wishes for PVDP 1st anniv. You add so much to the CDP community with your happy comments and interesting photographs.

  20. I would imagine when it gets warm they probably have people cooling off in that magnificent fountain. Hilda, we would love some inside shots of the building if you get the chance. (hint-hint)

  21. That's funny that we have both chosen such similar objects to post! Your fountain is magnificent and I think you would need to lie under it in the heat of your country!
    Great shot and I enjoyed coming to your blog!

  22. Very beautiful post office building. The fountain adds more to it.

  23. A post office. A lot more impressive than mine. Marvellous capture.

  24. Beautiful public space with that great fountain.

  25. I like the imposing facade of the central post office this is why we had our picture taken there when I first came to Manila. Wala pa akong cam noon. I like the fountain too!

    By the way, thanks for the info about Lawton. Now, I understand. he he

  26. it's a popular place for tv shoots. the last time i went there, a local tv show was being shoot.


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