May 17, 2009

Wood and stone

Because Ateneo de Manila is a Jesuit university, there are many small chapels and prayer spaces around its campuses. I've featured the Church of the Gesù several times, the St. Stanislaus Kostka Chapel of the high school and the Immaculate Conception Chapel of the college. This tiny chapel in the lower ground floor of the Moro Lorenzo Sports Center is my favorite because of its simplicity and its serene lighting. When the stone and bamboo fountain is on, it's perfect for prayer and meditation. For a tiny chapel (it can only accommodate about thirty people), it has quite a long name: the Prayer Room of Jesuit Saints and Blesseds.

Chapel of Jesuit Saints and Blesseds at the Moro Lorenzo Sports Center of the Ateneo de Manila University


  1. Beautiful, simple, meditative, cozy - perfect for a Sunday posting! Warmly

  2. Very nice photo, Hilda. I can see why you would appreciate the serenity of this chapel.

  3. Hilda, I tried to post a comment at Happy at Home and it came back as undeliverable.

    What's going on with our computers?

  4. Well, now I see it was posted. I don't get it...

    Have a great day!

  5. It's lovely Hilda! I really like the way the cross is silhouetted by the light coming from behind it.

  6. Sometimes Manila reminds me Latin America

  7. This chapel is really lovely and you found a very effective way of portraiting it. So simple, so beautiful.

  8. That is a very tiny church, and it has more letters in it's name than seats for people. :-)

  9. What a warm and inviting glow...beautiful!

  10. very beautiful chapel but let me say that the photo is really good. you managed to control the light rays beautifully.

  11. Great picture dear Hilda!
    This place seems so quiet and blessed!

  12. It does look like a really peaceful place, perfect for a little chapel. I love the warm colours.

  13. Very nice photo, Hilda. I can guess the sound of the fountain would be great to hear.

  14. This IS a very peacful setting. Wish I was there meditating right now!

    Have a blessed week.


  15. Your photo certainly conveys a warm, serene place to pray and meditate.

  16. It really looks quiet and relaxing. Lovely light!

  17. It is very spare and austere, the way I think a prayer room should be!

  18. A simple church in contrast with the splendor of Christianity

  19. Thanks for sharing such a serene place with us. I can understand why it is a favorite of yours.

  20. Yes, simple and small is conducive to private prayer. The cross looks like it is suspended in light! Awesome.

  21. One of the things that I like about Manila is the number of chapels/churches around. I had a good time taking photos of some of the churches when I was there. =)

  22. It looks so comforting. I love the glowing light.


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