July 24, 2009

Metal monstrosity

When our typhoon season rolls in, some of the more responsible outdoor advertising companies roll down the large tarpaulin billboards found all over Metro Manila. Too many have fallen in the past and brought down power cables, destroyed property and caused car accidents. Of course, the empty metal frames make for an awful city skyline, but then I think that's true of most advertising billboards in general.

empty billboard frame

Visit the Sky Watch Friday home page and tour the skies of our interesting world.
Sky Watch Friday


James said...

That looks like a magnet for lightning, and the sky looks very threatening.

Anonymous said...

Someone will see art in that. And one day they might leave it like that. Or maybe a local artist hoping to make a name for himself will see this as the way to go.

Lets Make History.

Leif Hagen said...

Less is more!

airplane5312 said...

That's a wise policy. This structure could also be very dangerous to people, even if not out on the streets.

Ursel said...

I think the metal frames look great, well I like such structure. Especially they are not as annoying as billboards though. Looking forward to more pictures from "typhoon Sky Watch".

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I would think the metal structures would be dangerous as well. I have never been in a typhoon, but I would equate them with a hurricane...with strong winds.

Lowell said...

Yikes...that is rather unpretty! But, like you say, it's better than having things crash down and smash people and property...

In Florida, we leave everything standing to give the hurricanes something to do!

Photo Cache said...

It looks pretty cool without the ads especially with the stormy skies as a backdrop.

Jim said...

Haven't seen anything like that before.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Louise said...

That is quite a structure. The sky looks like it means business.

Anne said...

Oh, look at that!! like a spider net...

Happy weekend to you from Anne in Norway.

penny said...

How true, but maybe we should think outside the box and see it as urban art :D
You notice I didn't say it good art!

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Interesting, I wouldn't want to be around it in a thunder storm

• Eliane • said...

Abe was quicker than me: it could be a modern sculpture!

Btw, I like your "be nice please" warning on the right of your blog. So much nicer than the aggressive copyright warning you read on most blog. I'm with you: we do this for fun, it's not going to turn into a lucrative job, let's not be annoying or pretentious about it. :)

dianasfaria.com said...

I found this post very interesting, thanks Hilda. & your photo is a nice illustration for the story too. Have a great weekend.

Regina said...

Nice shot!

Don and Krise said...

That is an ominous looking sky. I'm really drawn to photographing structures like this.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

As always, I learn something when visiting your blog! Gray, gray sky!!!

Cezar and Léia said...

You are right! Reminds me that "Transformers" - the movie -
Great shot!
Have a nice weekend!
God bless you

Bonjour Luxembourg

Photo-a-Day said...

true about lightening-magnet.
Thank you so much for yr blog Hilda. I so love to learn about other countries and what ple do in different places.

I think the net and these daily international photoblogs have the possibility to educate and bring people together.

As our world gets smaller, I believe we must not merely 'accept' eachother - rather we should UNDERSTAND and maybe even love eachother.

thanks for the photos and your insights!


VP said...

It is not pretty, but I almost like it, it gets attention to the stormy sky...

Jane Hards Photography said...

Scary! It does look alien. Startling skywatch image.

Unknown said...

It may be a monstrosity but surely makes a powerful photo specially under this menacing sky!

B SQUARED said...

I thought it was a sculpture till I read your description.

Lois said...

That sky does look quite threatening! We are coming up on the worst part of hurricane season here next month and I always dread it because we have so many trees, which are nice until they start falling down on houses, streets and cars!

Anonymous said...

It looks like some aliens transport system, hahaha...but I do agree better be this ugly than bringing more damage to the city. Great shot and clever post Hilda. Have a great weekend~

Saretta said...

Looks like some kind of children's construction set!

Halcyon said...

Is that your sky today? Sorry it's so grey. :(

brattcat said...

I agree with JM. The multitude of metal grid against that eerie storm sky makes for a very dramatic image.

Ming the Merciless said...

That is a TALL sign board skeleton. Most of the ones I've seen in big cities are smaller and the huge ones are usually in the rural areas.

Now, I know why. Thanks for the explanation. :-)

S said...

Hmmm...maybe they should do that in my home country, Taiwan, as well; but we don't get as many typhoons as you do.

This is an interesting blog and I'm glad I stopped by :O)


Ming1881 said...

That's very interesting as we hardly has any typhoon in our country.

Mark Kreider said...

Makes a very stark photograph.

Luna und Luzie said...

It´s ugly and it fits to the grey sky but it looks interesting!

John B. said...

I like these kinds of shots that make the ugly things around us look more interesting.

George said...

If advertising billboards are going to be allowed, I guess this is a responsible thing to do during typhoon season. Your photograph of that empty frame against the dark sky is fascinating.

marley said...

Not very nice but perfect for sky watch! Glad they have the common sense to remove them.

Layrayski said...

It may be ugly but it makes for an interesting photo. =) Hurray to the more responsible billboard advertising companies!