July 29, 2009

Tiny bubbles

The unusual and modern water feature in the square connecting the two wings of The Medical City, a large hospital complex along Ortigas Avenue in Pasig City. While I was taking pictures of it, a security guard came up to me to ask me to stop because photos aren't allowed without the permission of the hospital's marketing officer. Hate that.

glass water feature at The Medical City

Natural or man-made, take a refreshing dip in Watery Wednesday.
Watery Wednesday


  1. I'm glad that you got this nice shot before the pest rained on your parade. I like it.

  2. I agree, these pests are everywhere and it is a subtle pleasure to fool them someway.
    Really an unusual shot, it can't be more 'watery' than this!

  3. This is where ... Interesting and mystical

  4. At least you got the photo! Its an unusual water feature but I like it.

  5. I hate that too! At least you got some pictures anyway. I like the title of your post!

  6. Wonderful photo Hilda, even though they gave you a bad time about taking it. Next time tell them I said it was OK :D
    When I read your 'Tiny bubbles' title. The song, Tiny Bubbles by Don Ho, started to play in my head.

  7. This is a great photo!
    The color is soothing to the eye - as it should be in a hospital.

  8. At least you got a great shot before you had to put the camera away. Makes me want to get a purse cam : )

  9. Why didn't you tell him, "Free advertising and I'll send A LOT of sick people to visit!"

  10. now even in hospitals it's prohibited???

    leif's idea sounds good. hehehe...

  11. I've seen water columns once /it was ER waiting room - made me want to go to the bathroom :)/, but with the water on a floor looks like a flood :) Very interesting!

  12. As a photographer every picture we took have the story behind it's but most places did not agreed with that.
    Well this always happen to me..Thanks for the visit of my blog & have a nice day.

  13. I would think that the owner of this feature would be delighted to have people taking pictures of it. I'm glad you got this picture before the guard made you stop.

  14. really, it's not allowed? bummer! i've always wanted to take a photo of this water feature when i visit the medical city. but i was always in a rush for a doctor's appointment.:P

  15. My friend always says, "Better to ask forgiveness than permission." Glad you got this fabulous photo!

  16. surprenant ces tubes. et tu as pris des risques en prenant cette photo

  17. Did you explain that you are going to use the photo in this meme? :) Poor Ma'am Hilda. Anyway, it's worth the trouble. Great pillars of tiny bubbles.

  18. Marketing officer!? What, did he think you were going to make your first million off of your photos? This is really neat Hilda. What are those, about 15 ft high?

  19. Different columns!
    Thanks for this shot dear Hilda!

  20. These are very unique and very beautiful. Aren't people with a little authority interesting? As if it mattered that you took a few photos!


  21. That's a lovely photo of a unique bit of architecture! Thank you for posting it.

    Here, the most common reason to be asked to put away the camera is 'security reasons.' Try explaining what macro photography means to a man whose sole authority in the universe is to tell people to stop. Doesn't matter if you show the images in the camera, either.

  22. Oh that is beautiful. Are the columns lighted at night. I am glad you got some shots before you were chased away. LOL MB

  23. WoW! They're pretty protective! Cool display, though! Thanks for breaking the law to show us these! hehehe Just joking

    Hope you have a fantastic week

  24. We all need to challenge these self professed guardians of what is actually public spaces.

  25. I'm glad you got this shot. I don't think I've seen a fountain quite like this before and I like it very much. I wonder what harm could come from letting a few pictures be taken.

  26. such an interesting water feature. cool that you got your capture before they asked you to stop. Wonder why they would not want you to take a pic of this.


  27. Yay for the stolen photo! It looks like a really cool fountain.

  28. This is really cool and makes a great shot for the Watery Wednesday day! I also hate the 'pictures not allowed' thing! Grrrr!

  29. Ha! I'm glad you got this photo before anyone stopped you. ;-)

  30. A very pretty display. I looked at a number of the other pictures and read about your photographic misadventures above--the two young people are quite attractive.

  31. Hahaha good for you! I hate being told to stop too! Haha good one! I feel cooler (the temp) just looking at the photo.


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