September 5, 2009

Retail therapy

Many of the largest malls in Metro Manila have a section dedicated to health services: clinics, skin care centers, gyms and such. Healthway has clinics in several malls (this one is in The Block at SM City North EDSA) and it offers medical, dental and skin care services. And these are full services—they have general practitioners (family physicians) and specialists, including surgeons and anesthesiologists since they have several small operating rooms for minor procedures. I've used both their doctors and dentists several times and I'm quite happy with their services. If your medical insurance doesn't cover them, they have inexpensive annual packages that are good enough for general health care. I like the fact that they're located inside malls too. Aside from being open seven days a week, if I have to wait for a doctor to arrive or for the results of a laboratory test, I can relax at a cafĂ© or go window shopping. And after spending a couple of grueling hours in a dentist's chair or being poked and prodded by a gastroenterologist, what better way to reward yourself for being a good girl (or boy) than by doing a little shopping?

Healthway medical clinic in The Block


  1. How handy. I haven't seen anything like this in our area. I think it's a great idea.

  2. Yes, it looks very sleek and more welcoming than the regular clinic.
    Haha, good title!

  3. I wonder who imagine these things... Anyway, a really good and handy thing.

  4. Excellent idea! If there's a sweet shop around, I'll come for some choc (olate) therapy.

  5. i've never tried it before,but if the doctors are certified and if they really have quality service to their patients...why not?! ^-^

  6. Every business is innovating to stay in business and make some money..
    a lot more innovations to come in the days ahead to beat the economic lull..

  7. These places are super. It seems to me we had a few in some of our malls, but when I read your post I realized I haven't seen anything like this is quite awhile.

    Maybe they couldn't make enough money?

    I think it's a wonderful program, though...especially the inexpensive annual package for folks without much money.

  8. Well now, that's convenient! I think I'd like that!

  9. Earlier this year I spent a couple of grueling hours in a dentist's chair and shopping is not what I wanted to do afterward. :-0

  10. Looks good. It seems much more efficient than our old and stressed NHS in the UK. At least you can choose to see a specialist if you can pay and you don't need to beg your GP like here. All the best. Ciao. A.

  11. It does seem like it would be more convenient! I have seen a tooth whitening place in the mall here.

  12. How convenient! I think it's a great idea. I've seen dental and orthodontist offices in some malls in the states.

  13. This is so neat and clean place..Seems to be very nice..Great

  14. I had planned a good facial, spa and foot massage but it never happened lol...

    How do i vote for your blog sa philippine blog awards?

  15. This is something you will not find in shopping malls here, just hairdressers or small spas.

  16. great idea. this would be a great option for providing healthcare in the united states, especially the annual package.

  17. I guess health services are just as commercial as stores.

  18. Gizel:
    Sorry to hear that — that would have been a real treat! Thanks for asking about the award too, but except for the Readers' Choice award, this isn't done by voting. There's a panel of judges, the members of which haven't been announced yet the last time I checked.

  19. coincidence because ill be going there tomorrow for a physical examination.

  20. This certainly sounds like a good idea. Healthcare facilities in malls are just starting to catch on over here.

  21. I skip the healthy stuff when I do shopping therapy - I buy only stuff for pleasure :)


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