February 27, 2010

Glass slivers

The facade and main entrance of the Ateneo de Manila University's new Rizal Library faces west. To reduce the heat inside and the need for air conditioning, the only glass on this side is a corner window whose frame sticks out beyond the wall, and the tall, narrow window of its main stairwell.

west facade of the Ateneo de Manila University's Rizal Library

See what's reflecting what at James' Weekend Reflections.
Weekend Reflections


Lowell said...

Nice architecture that makes a lot of sense. And the reflections are splendiforous, Hilda!

Halcyon said...

It's a "green" building!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully a "stairway into future heavens" for all students.

Regina said...

Nice reflections Hilda.
Happy weekend.

Jim said...

Great capture.

ilovepink1078 said...

Hi! what a nice scenery you've got. just a blog walking.Hope to learner from your site and you as well. Thanks for sharing... Looking forward.


Gemma Wiseman said...

That long panel of segmented glass creates unusual reflections in contrast to the building materials! Lovely photo!

Don and Krise said...

I actually like the looks of this, especially the vertical windows on the left. The design makes sense.

Louis la Vache said...

Nice reflection of the sky. This looks like it would be an interesting building to visit.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

My hat's off to the architects who designed this building to conserve energy.

Dave-CostaRicaDailyPhoto.com said...

I like the reflections of the clouds in the vertical window on the left.

Sorry that I have not been able to visit for a few weeks. We were in Tanzania, with very limited internet access.

Cezar and Léia said...

Very sober and imposing building!
God bless you!

Stevenson Q said...

Hilda, The simplicity of the Architecture and its' straight lines make it very strong yet very elegant! A Very nice Library :D


VP said...

A cloudy sky captured and framed, a very nice shot, Hilda!
And a great building, by the way...

eileeninmd said...

Lovely capture of the cloud reflections!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Big, imposing, beautiful. If these buildings could talk, they would be the voice of authority!!!


brattcat said...

What a wonderful shot of reflections.

Melli said...

Niiiiiice window shot! A beautiful day for it too!

easternsparkle said...

That's a great window for reflecting those lovely clouds - great photograph!

Gattina said...

You lucky girl, needing protection against heat ! We would need it against cold,lol ! Looks like a very modern building.

Anya said...

Hi Hilda
Wonderful reflection :-)
Very creative !!

Have a wonderful weekend
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)

Anonymous said...

I guess you have as much trouble avoiding excess heat as we have avoiding cold! How interesting that you don't have windows on this side except for this.

James said...

That is really cool. You have a vertical cloud reflection on the left and a horizontal one on the right.

VioletSky said...

I like all the lines and rectangles in this building.
and I was going to comment on the vertical and horizontal cloud reflections, too. well, I guess I did.

Kat said...

Beautiful cloud reflections! I especially love the effect in the long narrow window. Great capture! Kathy

Unknown said...

nice shot! love the reflection of clouds in the windows and the clouds above the buildings.

penny said...

Isn't it wonderful what we see when we learn to look up.
The reflecting sky in the windows is beautiful, Hilda.

Eden said...

Gorgeous reflections of the clouds. Great shot!

Have a great weekend

Sara Chapman said...

I like the idea of saving money on air conditioning, but no windows? Ugh, so dark, and you must use electricity for lights that are never as nice as daylight. I do love the reflection of the sky.

Ebie said...

The library has very interesting architecture. I could see the cloud reflection on the glass windows.

It must be such a great campus of study.

Buck said...

Beautiful photo of a lovely building. Form follows function!

Anonymous said...

Nice one. I like the perspective.

cieldequimper said...

These are pretty, pretty clouds Hilda!

Andreea said...

Interesting architecture, the windows look really great. Glad to hear they're paying attention to saving energy.

Dina said...

That's a good idea. In my college days half the time in the library I'd be gazing out the windows and daydreaming.