February 22, 2010

We'd rather sit, thank you

So far, we are the only culture I've encountered which serves cocktails where guests sit around a table. Have you ever experienced such a thing?

cocktails served at a table


traveller said...

Is it because we are uncomfortable walking around and mingling with different people as opposed to sticking with people we are familiar with? Or is it because we're just absolutely lazy?

Lowell said...

If you're speaking of a private party in a home, no, generally we don't do that. We have cocktails before dinner and sometimes a drink after dinner.

In a restaurant, though, cocktails are always served at table.

Halcyon said...

I don't think it's uncommon in the US to serve cocktails at a table.

Those appetizers look good. I'm hungry now!!

Stevenson Q said...

That is so true! Some Pinoys even serve Cocktails, Tons of Cocktails as their HANDA and we would all sit on tables and feast on them jajajajaja I guess because we are all trianed that it is never nice to eat while standing unless on desperate cases :D


Louis la Vache said...

When «Louis» lived in France the apéritif, which could include cocktails, or just non-alcoholic beverages, was placed on a table, but the quests generally sat in chairs in the living room, not around the table.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

I think Pinoys and Emaratis are the same, the only difference is the way that they sit :)

Don and Krise said...

Pass the yummy looking meats and a few crackers please Hilda??

Olivier said...

c'est appétissant...pour s'ouvrir l'apetit ;)

escape said...

hahaha... right. but i had the chance to attend the usual cocktail party.

VP said...

Curious! At home we usually sit for cocktails, but not at a dinner table. Yours is an interesting tradition anyway...

Steve Harris said...

Hilda, your pictures of food are always fantastic, but they leave me so hungry! Those appetizers look delicious - and the image is excellent when combined with the interesting design of the table cloth. I'm certainly ready to sit there. I just need the cocktail.

Cezar and Léia said...

Hmmm yummy!
I would love to try some!

lizziviggi said...

The food looks good, but I really love the table cloth!

Lois said...

The food looks delicious!

Neva said...

Jacob is absolutley correct. Always cocktails in a restauant around a table! Your appetizers here look delicious!
on a side note...my son is currently in the Phillipenes..borcay? I think is where he said he was going! Landed in Manilla and then took a different plane. He says the beach where he is is divine. (ok he might have said fabulous!)

Rob Siemann said...

However they do it, it looks yummy. But actually, I saw it in Egypt and Syria. Or maybe everybody was just either tired or lazy.

Anonymous said...

Great looking food, Hilda. We either stand and chat or sit...but not at a table.

Photo Cache said...

I had a cocktail party last month. The food were on the table, the drinks which was self serve were on the kitchen island, but the guests (diff nationalities) sat everywhere, living room, dining room, family room and some stood around the kitchen island.

The Nomadic Pinoy said...

Just stumbled on your site. I do agree about your observations - I've attended one in NYC with mostly Pinoy guests and a group actually huddled around a table. I'm not sure if this has to do with what we've been taught in the old days at home.

George said...

I don't know much about cocktails, but those appetizers sure look wonderful.

maricar said...

in Egypt i experienced on our train trip from Cairo to Asuan, our breakfast was served on the floor ;) good thing the floor is carpeted ;)

with cocktails never experience that before Hilda, normally at the bar we stand

Nathalie H.D. said...

No the French definitely don't do that but they could provide seating in a number of side corners for people who can't bear standing up for long periods of time.

Chuck Pefley said...

Sitting for cocktails has the benefit of being able to have a few more without the danger of falling down. That's the real reason, no? -:))