March 2, 2010

Where we went last Thursday

Three hours away from Metro Manila in the province of Bataan lies Anvaya Cove, the first leisure community development of Ayala Land. The Bataan peninsula is mountainous, and from the lookout point just inside the gates of Anvaya, all you can see are hills and a small glimpse of Subic Bay.

view of Subic Bay from Anvaya Cove's lookout point

Anvaya is a residential community with four themed neighborhoods. But you don't have to buy a house and lot to get a membership in the Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club, which is what one of my girlfriends did. The main pavilion houses the Bamboo Cafe, a large lounge on the second floor called the Sambali Lounge, a game room, library, shops, function rooms and a clinic.

main pavilion of Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club

After going through the main pavilion, guests are greeted by this gorgeous swimming pool.

swimming pool of Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club

There are several pools at Anvaya, all connected. The two ends of the L-shaped lower pool are fitted with massaging jets. This side is covered, so even people sensitive to the sun can take a relaxing soak. The pool is multi-level and you can choose to stand, sit or lie down over the jets. The waterfalls and shooting fountains add to the massaging experience. Note the stone pedestal in the foreground; there are a few of them spaced evenly around the lounge pool, and some of them hide the machinery which powers the water jets.

massaging lounge pool of Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club

The Bamboo Cafe is the main dining room of the club.

wooden ceiling of Bamboo Cafe at Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club

Beside the pool is an observation tower which, I can imagine, gives a fabulous view of the beach and club grounds. I apologize for not climbing up and taking photos from there, but I didn't want to make the effort—not after a three-hour drive and definitely not in the heat of noon. At the base of the tower is a bar named, not surprisingly, the Tower Bar.

observation tower at Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club

While waiting for our lunch to be served, my girlfriends and I asked for a tour of the Veda Spa. It has indoor spa pavilions for individuals and couples, and the couples pavilion has an outdoor heated jacuzzi with a view of the ocean. It also has outdoor massage pavilions, all with the same beautiful ocean view.

outdoor heated jacuzzi of the Veda Spa's couples pavilion at Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club

The club's pièce de résistance: the wide beach of fine white sand and the clear waters of the South China Sea.

the beach at Anvaya Cove Beach and Nature Club

I don't think anyone will fault me if, after changing into my swimsuit, all thoughts of my camera and taking more photos completely slipped off my mind.


  1. Wow Hilda. Your photos are wonderful. That place looks like paradise.

  2. This is an instant vacation for me! Wow! (,"o

  3. What an incredible place! It gives new meaning to the word, luxury! And your photos are superb! Thanks for sharing your good times! Still, you could have shown us some of you swimming in the ocean! ;-)

  4. I wish you could Beam Me to your part of the world

  5. this a fabulous place to enjoy the beach and a perfect short get away from the bustle of manila.

  6. What a beautiful place, Hilda. Next time you will have to get a shot from the Tower Bar : )

  7. What a beautiful place to live.

  8. Hilda a stunningly beautiful place, glad you enjoyed your trip.

  9. Looks like a tropical paradise! I guess you work hard and play hard! Well deserved, Hilda! Cheers!

  10. Wow Hilda, what a place! I'm guessing you're going to be visiting your friend on a regular basis here. Not only the amenities, but look at that beach. Yep, I do like where your passageway led you.

  11. «Louis» would like to have been able to come along on your day trip. What a beautiful place!

  12. donc le paradis existe, Magnifique

  13. i've been wanting to visit anvaya! hope i will be able to this summer :)

  14. Hilda, that place looks amazing! Spending a day there sounds heavenly :D

  15. Your photos arouse a need to see something different - mountains, green leaves, the sea. It must have been an anti-stress-good-for-the-health-trip.

  16. A great place for rest and rejuvenation. Splendid scenery.

  17. You have the right friends. LOL
    If you had an underwater camera, I bet you would have taken it into the sea.
    Love those connected pools. Sigh ...

  18. This is such a great place. You photographed it very beautifully!

  19. a perfect place for having fun.. I believe you had a great time..

  20. wow! wish we were there,
    especially the pool.


  21. Take me with you next time! :-) Wonderful place, Hilda!

  22. Thank you for 'staying focused' for so long! Hope you had a glorious swim.

  23. this is simply beautiful Hilda! :) never been to Bataan, i didn't know how beautiful this place until now, thanks for sharing and glad you had a wonderful holiday Hilda :)

  24. Bataan.

    The name evokes horror stories for some of us - from the death march to the war there in general, but am glad it has been transformed into a kind of paradise. Your photos captured the beauty of the place now.

  25. This looks like a perfect tropical paradise. Your descriptions and pictures are wonderful, although I will admit they make it harder to take another snowy morning!

  26. I'm speechless. So magnificent. I feel like jumping into the screen hoping to hit the water! I bet you had a fantastic time. Ciao. A.

  27. That was a quick vacation for me... now back to work I go! :(

  28. Paradise is the first word that came to my mind too! This place is fabulous.

  29. Hi Ate Hilda, this is such a wonderful place to visit...miss visiting this when I went to Manila last january 2010...don't have enough time talaga...thanks for the visit and hope you are having a great start of the month! ingat po!

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  30. Wow, what a great place to spend a vacation! I should have done a side trip while I was in Oz for vacation. Yes, it was/is summer in Oz. Hopefully some other time I'll get the chance to come and visit beautiful Manila and it's surroundings.

  31. wow! looks like an excellent place to spend some time!

  32. I was so curious, and I am very happy with the answer: a very nice place for an awesome day trip!

  33. Oohh how pretty Ma'am Hilda!!! And that beach looks like the perfect beach to just lie down on and soak up the sun. I want to go swimming now! And maybe bug my friends to get a membership there too haha. What a great place!

  34. pretty, pretty! ^0^
    perfect getaway from the bustle of city life... the beach just looks heavenly!

  35. Incredably beautiful. Your photos of it are the best. Thank you - I needed a virtual mini vacation.

  36. Very nice place for relaxing. I wish I could be there now. I need only 1 or 2 days.

  37. place is great photos are awesome. ive never been there but i want to go there one day. maybe when the rainy season is in.

  38. I'll make sure I can see this place before the year ends .... LOL.... great place hilds... browsed it also in their site ... but yours are more captivating ... lovely photos...

    Anything Davao

  39. Couldn't find your welcome page, Hilda, so I'm posting this here:

  40. What a wonderful place to get away! You must have had so much fun.

  41. ANVAYA COVE is the first leisure development of AYALA LAND PREMIER, if you wish to see and to experience ANVAYA just pm me, i would be gladly to show you around and you can even use the facilities at the Beach and Nature Club (which is by the way exclusive only for club members) but if you want it so bad i can make some some calls.



Thanks for visiting and letting me know!