July 20, 2010

Healthy burgers

Up until a few months ago, the space beside National Book Store along Katipunan Avenue (see yesterday's post) was occupied by a branch of Jollibee, one of the biggest and most popular fast food chains in the Philippines. But Jollibee moved to a bigger space a few buildings down the street and its old space is now occupied by Mushroomburger. For the longest time, Mushroomburger's only branch was in Tagaytay City in the province of Cavite, where it has its mushroom farm (the restaurant was just a side business—its main business is supplying mushrooms to restaurants and hotels in Metro Manila). It was always a treat to be able to eat mushroom burgers during trips to Tagaytay and now it's available so near us. During the rare times when I get a craving for burgers, you know where to find me now. And the best part is, this branch also sells packs of raw mushrooms.

Mushroomburger along Katipunan Avenue

Reminding all CDP bloggers about our next theme day: the theme for August 1 is Bright Colors. That should prove to be another fun day to go visiting. The voting for the September theme is also ongoing. Aside from the poll in the authors-only forum, all CDP members—not just bloggers—can also vote in the poll on the portal's home page.


  1. With time being close to a quarter to four in the morning, surely an alluring sight ;) Nice detail as well, seeing the kid, maybe dreaming of a burger as well. Please have you all a great Tuesday.

  2. A healthy burger sounds just like the thing for me!

  3. fianlly a branch in mmetro manila! the concern, it's still a bit far from my area. i hope one branch in makati will also open.

  4. Yum, I'll meet you there. (I WISH ...)

  5. That's bright! I have no entrepreneurial gifts, so I always admire the folk who set up their own business. I don't think I could do the juggling! I must remember to include more tributes to local companies on JDP.

  6. I wish we had one on those here.

  7. should try out this "mushroom" outlet sometime.
    i love shrooms! ^0^

  8. I love mushroom burgers! We make our own.

  9. I love mushroom burgers! There was a place here that specialized in them, but they recently closed.

  10. Esta hamburgueseria tiene los mismos colores, e incluso la "M" que la famosa MacDonals uqe se encuentra en todos los ricones del mundo.

  11. You're making me hungry! I could go for a good mushroom burger right about now!

  12. I love mushrooms period. So it follows I'd be crazy for mushroom burger. Good you can get it more frequently now and you don't have to go all the way to Tagaytay.

    Do they use portabella?

  13. Are mushroom burgurs popular in the Philipines? I remember eating one when I was there ;D


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