July 31, 2010

Just call him Fr. Jojo

July 31 is the Feast Day of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. Last year, I introduced the order's Superior General, the Very Reverend Adolfo Nicolás, SJ. This year, let me introduce the head of the Society's Philippine Province, Rev. Jose Cecilio J. Magadia, SJ. His official title is Provincial Superior though his continued humility belies the exalted position. Every now and then, I see him walking from the Province House in Loyola Heights to the Ateneo de Manila University—alone, in t-shirt and jeans.

Fr. Jose Cecilio J. Magadia, SJ, Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus in the Philippines


  1. What a great reminder that it is the inside that counts. May time and life continue to treat you all kind.

    daily athens

  2. wow! he should see this post hilda.

  3. You brought out the best in him. He looks like a very nice guy. :)

  4. I should take a photo of my fave SJ father too, this reminds me ... ang gwapo!

  5. This is a wonderful portrait of Father Jojo.

  6. All the Gesuit fathers I have known were smart and pleasant pople and the Very Reverend Adolfo Nicolás seems no exception.

  7. He looks like a fine man of God.
    Now, can you get a picture of him in jeans too?

    (Reminds me of my former boss, Prof. of Medicine Dr. Joseph R., born in Bulgaria. Friends called him Jojo.)

  8. I wonder which he feels most himself in, his official robes or his jeans?

  9. An excellent portrait, Hilda. You got the light just right! Superb!

  10. I spent 4 years with the Jesuits in HS here in Maine.


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