January 9, 2012


fossils and an illustration
An illustration of prehistoric man and animals on a wall at the Museum of the Filipino People helps children—and adults—make sense of fossils.


  1. Happy Monday and Happy New year! Glad to catch up with you and enjoyed the photos on your site. I hope things are well. Very interesting image on the chalkboard. very creative

  2. Yay! It's a mural!! Nice one, too, Hilda. Am linking to mine...

  3. Interesting and very well done.

  4. This is wonderful. Sometimes I don't think we've done a very good job educating people - in this country a large percentage of folks "disbelieve" in the theory of evolution upon which all science is based. Crazy!

    Richard Dawkins has a new book out which explains the process of evolution (fossils, etc) very well; it's called "The Magic of Reality." Even I can understand it!

  5. I think this is a neat idea, and puts the fossil fragments into their context. I like this display.

  6. An interactive mural at that. Like Francisca, I've linked your post to my mural post.


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