February 7, 2012

Not for Valentine

hand and foot sculptures at Casa San Pablo
Last year, my office spent its annual R&R at Casa San Pablo, and because the place is so soothing, my husband and I decided to stay there this past weekend. It still abounds with the lovely and charming details I discovered last year, but the new sculpture which I noticed on the veranda is not quite what I would call charming. Sometimes, the taste of Boots Alcantara—the owner, manager and innkeeper—when it comes to art is just a little too strange for me. Thank goodness he usually doesn't put them on display at the Casa.


  1. I think I would like Casa San Pablo!:)
    The name sounds like music :)

  2. Long absence from blogging I return to find you are still posting fascinating posts, another world away from mine.

  3. This is definitely an unusual sculpture.

  4. It took me a while to like this modern art but after seeing so many pieces scattered all around Paris I grew to love them. I like what is different (when it is well made of course!)

  5. I agree about the art. This certainly is not my style...I wonder why Boots would think this attractive?

    Re your comment on The Villages: Is it not warm and sunny in Manila this time of year? I thought it was always warm and sunny (well, sometimes rainy) in Manila... :-)

  6. I have seen worse things, but I think you are right!


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