October 8, 2012

Student and teacher

Exie Abola in front of a portrait of Doreen Fernandez September 28, 2012 marked the launch of my husband Exie's first book, a collection of creative nonfiction titled "Trafficking in Nostalgia." His essays and stories have been published in various anthologies many times in the past, but this is his first solo publication. His freshman English teacher Doreen Fernandez (1934–2002), also a writer, cultural historian and food critic, would have been proud.


  1. Congratulations to him and to you on the publication of his book. That is a very impressive accomplishment.

  2. You must be very proud of your husband. And he must be pleased knowing his mentor also would be proud of him. Congratulations.

  3. Congratulations to your husband!
    Dieter from Germany

  4. Photo of your husband at his book launch with Rofel Brion and (portrait of) Doreen G. Fernandez: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151150377718791&set=a.130292628790.107477.130204438790&type=1&theater


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