November 24, 2012

Lazy day game

sungka table Sungka is a Philippine mancala game. The sungkaan (the game board) is usually made of wood, shaped like a canoe, and is portable. However, as in chess and backgammon, there are also dedicated sungka tables. Ordinarily, our game pieces are small cowrie shells, which should not be surprising for a country with the fourth longest coastline in the world despite its relatively tiny land area. This beautiful set is made for children—only one hip of mine would have fit in the tiny chair.


  1. Interesting that furniture would be designed for a game.

    Julie and I just returned from a cruise around Papua New Guinea on a ship (the Orion) with a mostly Filipino crew. What wonderful representatives of your country they were. So pleasant, charming, polite, gracious and considerate. During the crew's talent show, they displayed amazing talent, sense of humor, and delightful personality.

  2. We call it congklak where I come from. This one looks much nicer and beatifully designed and finished.

    How are you, Hilda?

  3. I used to love playing sungka as a child growing up in the PI. I also loved pachinko! I'd like to get my hands on a sungka board now, I'm sure we would have a lot of fun playing it.

  4. Wow, this is an all so modern "sungka" with matching chairs? who wouldn't want to play a game or two...

    Prem (visiting from CDP)

  5. What a gorgeous wooden table! I wonder if my dad could make one in his workshop??
    Howdy, Hilda!!


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