February 6, 2013

Green glass

glass-enclosed stairwell of the Museum of the Filipino People
The Museum of the Filipino People, an archeological and ethnographic museum, is located in what used to be the Philippine government's Finance Building. Built in 1926 in the neoclassical style, it suffered extensive damage during WWII and was reconstructed soon after. It underwent renovation again in the late 1990s to early 2000s when the museum was moved into the building, and one section is covered in distinctly modern plate glass windows.


  1. Modern architecture, they did a great renovation work there and you got a fabulous picture!

  2. I like the plate glass because it is so functional and has such clean lines. It also makes for great reflections, as in this case!

  3. I usually prefer neoclassical architecture to modern architecture, but the glass addition gives some wonderful reflections, which you captured very nicely.


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