April 29, 2013

Drumming up support

I heard drums and a lot of noise out in our street yesterday afternoon, so I grabbed my camera and ran outside to take photos of whatever it was. Turns out, it was a group of candidates for district councilor and their supporters making the rounds of the barangays.
  campaigning for Quezon City councillors
There were even utility vehicles equipped with speakers blaring out the campaign songs of the candidates.
 campaigning for Quezon City councillors
The candidates themselves were walking along with their people, and I ended up being introduced to and having to shake the hands of three of them. The worst part was, I had to let go of my camera to do so, so these were the clearest shots I got of the sortie and I wasn't able to take photos of the candidates (who all looked exhausted after walking around all afternoon in our summer heat—one lady told me ours was their fifth barangay).

The Philippines will have its midterm general elections—national and local—on May 13.


  1. In the end you did get a good post about the candidates. I would probably also have grabbed my camera had I heard something like that outside.

  2. No matter the country, candidates all have to hit the trail and meet the people.

  3. I dunno, Hilda, but these candidates make make more enemies than friends what with all the noise and racket they make coming down the street!

  4. smiling here thinking of you ending up shaking the candidates' hands and not having taken more photos :) God bless our country...I pray the righteous people win...happy Monday! :D

  5. This is a very direct version of democracy.

  6. There's something about drums that easily draw a crowd. I think it has something to do with our instinctive and ancient connection to what must have been humankind's first instrument.

  7. They find a way to get attention! :)

  8. I love how your first instinct was to grab your camera. Spoken like a true photojournalist, I'm so proud! Great street photography, even if you think you may have missed an opportunity while shaking hands with the candidates.

  9. The idea is the most important ! I regret not to see the faces of candidates...


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