September 13, 2013

Dressed like royalty

inaul malong at The Manila Collectible Co. Of all the handwoven fabrics available at The Manila Collectible Co., it is the inaul that I found most beautiful. Crafted by weavers from the province of Maguindanao, inaul is traditionally used as a malong, a tube skirt used by both men and women. For The Manila Collectible Co., the weavers also created smaller pieces, perfect as shawls or scarves. I found them so beautiful, I couldn't resist buying one—a magnificent jewel-toned, iridescent shawl made of the softest silk. Now I need to find an occasion special enough to use it.


  1. how could you buy only 1? there's so many beautiful designs, i would be hardpressed to choose only 1.

  2. Those are so colorful and beautiful. There's a lady in my life that would love them, I'm sure!

  3. I would love to see the one you

  4. These are so gorgeous! I love seeing textiles from different places, and different eras of history - such a rich array here. I hope you find that special occasion soon:)

  5. These are indeed gorgeous fabrics. You don't need to find an occasion to wear your shawl. You make an occasion by wearing it. Go forth and show it off.

  6. These are great. Sometimes when we travel we will buy a bunch of textiles for gifts.

  7. Thank you for asking, we're fine. The worst of the flooding is north, south, and west of us - we're on top of a big hill so we're not likely to get flooding. But we did have to evacuate for that bad wildfire a couple of months ago, the one that burned almost 500 homes in our city, coming within a few blocks of our house...

  8. They are gorgeous! I know someone who would be crazy trying to decide which ones to take home... :-)


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