September 4, 2013

Portrait with noodles

noodle-maker at Kanzhu Kanzhu, a small restaurant that we tried recently, prides itself in its hand-pulled noodles. It's easy to understand why—freshly made noodles have a soft, wonderful texture that commercial noodles just cannot replicate. I think Kanzhu has to work on their broth, though—it was disappointingly bland and is a discredit to their hardworking noodle-maker.


  1. must be good when the noodles are fresh.

  2. We have a place like this we love visiting in metro NY area, but same problem! Great noodles made before your eyes, but the rest of the bowl could use some help:)

  3. j'aime cette photo, avec le mvt des mains du cuisinier

  4. I would love to learn how to make fresh noodles :-) This looks yummy.

  5. Ha! Never seen how noodles are made!


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