May 5, 2014

Safety net

net under a building being constructed "Every act of construction is an act of destruction."
~Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), Spanish artist

Yet another building is being constructed in the Rockwell Business Center, and the paths around it are protected by nets on steel frames. They're downright ugly, but much better than having a hammer or something fall on one's head.


EG CameraGirl said...

I like seeing through the roof to the building on the other side here.

Sharon said...

I have to agree with you, ugly but as you say, better than having things fall from the sky on top of you. Hopefully the building will be attractive when it's complete.

William Kendall said...

Here they'll tend to use scaffolding for such issues. This does make for an interesting perspective, Hilda.

Photo Cache said...

so many construction going on, good for economy, but pretty soon the manila i knew will be unrecognizable. i know it already is.

Lois said...

They are ugly, but necessary I suppose. I have only seen scaffolding before and not the nets.

Karl said...

Nice composition!