July 7, 2014

A delightful fortress

Ayala Museum
"Museums should be places where you raise questions,
not just show stuff."
~William Thorsell, past Director & CEO of the Royal Ontario Museum

This is the side of the Ayala Museum which can be seen from the park in the middle of Greenbelt. Only the ground floor has windows. The windows on the second floor do not open to the museum but to a walkway connecting two of the buildings of the mall. Other than that, the rest of the building looks like a fortress, and it probably is, given the priceless artifacts exhibited in the museum. One of their permanent exhibits is Filipino garments from the 19th century, some of which are painted on the walls of the walkway.

See murals from around the world in Monday Mural.


  1. It certainly has a fortress mentality to it.

  2. I don't think I've been to the Ayala Museum.

  3. I'm always enchanted by places surrounded by green! Adorable vegetation!

  4. Love that quote today! This looks like an interesting museum.

  5. Makes me fel better about showing a mural I have now. Can see the mural you mentioned through the windows

  6. It's hard to tell if the mural is on the windows or on a wall inside the museum. This perceptual puzzle is engaging. Sorry for the Linky problem on Monday Mural.

  7. should be an interesting Museum !
    have a nice week end Hilda! saluti from the Italian view, even if my last posts are americans :-)

  8. Love it! Especially the pool of water outside. Displays inside are nicely framed.

  9. I'm betting there are beautiful things inside that building.

  10. It does have the appearance of a fortress. The greenery and water around it soften the harshness.

    On 1 May (Theme Day, Squares) You asked could you sit on the green squares, yes you can.

  11. I love the way the light is shining in this photo - lovely capture. It does have that fortress feel to it, doesn't it? - Tasha

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  14. Considering the thefts that have taken place from other museums because they weren't vigilant about security I'm certain the museum directors sleep better at night knowing they're fortress is impenetrable (or I hope it is).

  15. The fortress approach of Ayala Museum is an intriguing factor. It seems that the there are priceless art works worth protecting. With this factor, you tend to come in. When inside, you will be surprised with the collection and would be proud of the Philippine Heritage.

    Jason @ Macuha Art Gallery

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