One of the restaurants that we frequent is Greens Vegetarian Restaurant and Café along Scout Castor Street near Tomas Morato. Goes to show how observant (not!) I can be sometimes—we'd been there several times before I noticed this pretty little fish pond (which actually reminds me a bit of old Roman wells, it's just missing the water spout coming from the wall). It's in a little outdoor nook accessible only from the main dining area, like a tiny atrium.

And adding a spot of color to the gray and green are
koi of all sizes and patterns.
Très agréable photos. J'aime bien le dallage et les plantes vertes.
very pretty pictures.. must be a great place to dine in..
What a pretty, shady area. I'd love a corner like this somewhere close to the house.
Bonjour Hida !
Tu as toujours de jolies photos. Et celles-ci sont bien vertes...
Hello Hilda !
Your photos are always pretty...
They are so green !
Vegetarian? Shame it's so far from Alabang! We would love to try that place!
Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your kind comments. Happy Saturday!
A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach
I, Woman
Blogging makes us notice things we used to take for granted no? =) Nice photo of the fishes! I like how vibrant the greens are.
Hi Hilda - I do think food tastes so much better in a beautiful environment like this - how delightful.
Have put a link to you on my blog so i can find you easily!!!!
it seems vegetarian is pretty popular now, I saw a video clip on a website that's also about vegetarians, you cant imagine I even felt guity when I was watching the clip...geez,they spoke as if Im just a member of...Carnivora.
and I'm too skinny I need various kinds of proteins,I'm not in.haha
Oooh, this looks like a great spot!
That was a very well hidden pond, no wonder you didn't see it the first few times. Thanks for visiting Liege City Daily Photo!
When I first looked at the top photo, I didn't notice the bottom part and I thought that I was looking towards the floor in a photo taken from above. Would make a beautiful floor design.
Fina bilder
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