THEME DAY: BIG • Is three cities big enough? This is the view from the deck of the dining room of the
Timberland Sports and Nature Club which is located in the foothills of the Sierra Madre mountain range in the town of
San Mateo in the province of
Rizal. Metro Manila, with its seventeen cities and municipalities, is too big to be encompassed by any single view (unless you're up in an airplane) and my friends and I figure that we could only see three cities from Timberland: Marikina, Pasig and Quezon City.

Size is relative so it'll be interesting to see how City Daily Photo bloggers around the world will define
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Hi Hilda, I enlarged your photo and the view is so spectacular. I was amazed to see just how far you could see from up there.
Buildings everywhere. Big area indeed.
It's a sea of buildings. Amazing! I can't imagine it gets any 'bigger' than this.
panorama grandiose avec un ciel magnifique.
grandiose panorama with a splendid sky.
Hilda, you did just fine here. I would define that as BIG any day.
Very big indeed, and wait till you get lost in its maze of car and human traffic!
I agree about three cities being big enough, and even more than big!
My goodness, three cities. How amazing to see three cities from one position, Hilda.
Lovely vista. Nice photo.
Great view, I also inlarged it, how far do you think you can see out?
A great interpretation of big. Spectacular view.
I learn something on your blog everyday.
I think three is plenty big! Nice view Hilda and a very nice Theme Day post. By the way, I need a tall woman store too!
Wow, that is vast! What a view.
ok, that is a large city and area. wow
That is a big view!
HUGE ! A perfect idea for this theme!
God bless you
WOW! I think your city definitely qualifies as big. I like your choice for the theme day.
natutuwa ako sa mga comments. hehe..yeah, wait til they see the entire metro, baka ma-culture shock sila. :)
Hilda, this is indeed BIG. As far as the eye could see and extending to infinity!
Incredible picture, the cities makes a really huge urban conglomerate. Here in MC the city practically eats all towns around and every year is bigger. Have a great day.
You've got a big view from there, for sure!
sky is always big, you're absolutely right.
Thanks for stop by my blog :)
Happy Theme day.
My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
You Got A Posty
Yes, this is a BIG view!
Very impressive! It must be lovely being surrounded by mountains. Warsaw is very flat!
Oh yeah, I'd call that big! Big and Beautiful!
Just a lovely panorama of your beautiful city!! BTW, do you have a clue what the theme for October is? Thanks,
Great view and a beautiful photo.
Definitely well interpreteted, that panorama is amazing! It's such a broad theme, I'm loving the different ways it's being interpreted.
Wonderful panorama. Love it! The sense of space is clearly so huge! All the best. Ciao. A.
I think three is big enough! A nice triple play, Hilda. Rather an incredible scene!
One has to wonder at what point a city becomes unmanageable?
That picture sure fits the theme - I never realized that Manila was such a large city. And I like how the picture has a "big" sky over the "big" city.
It is Big! The houses are so small - must be Big! The sky is grand!
oh, now i'd like to visit Timberland.:P great shot!
WOW! beautiful sky
You've captured not only a big metropolitan area but a very big sky as well.
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