October 16, 2009

Empty isn't always bad

Bonifacio Global City in the City of Taguig is one of the fastest-growing mixed-use land developments in Metro Manila. It still has large tracts of empty land but almost everywhere you look, you'll see high-rise buildings going up. BGC is named such because the land used to be the location of Fort Bonifacio, the home of the Philippine Army. That in turn was named after Andres Bonifacio, one of the leaders of the Philippine revolution against Spanish colonial rule in the late 19th century.

Bonifacio Global City

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Sky Watch Friday


Dina said...

I like the sparse look.
Empty good.

Anonymous said...

This is a very clean picture. It just looks clean and neat.

Photo Cache said...

In this context, yeah empty is good. Glad to see some vacant lots.

Lowell said...

When you pave over paradise, all sorts of bad things happen; including flooding.

We need more green spaces...lots of green spaces!

It's so good to see this here.

Rocks said...

Oh how I wish there would always be empty lots with green grass there forever..

Nice photo!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, I love the green spaces! Like the others, I wish there were more of them! Terrific shot!

Have a great weekend!


gogouci said...

Beautiful green spaces. Let's hope it stays that way for a while.

Regina said...

Great sky and post Hilda.

Have a great weekend too.

Al said...

Why didn't you tell you're going to Boni Hi? I could there. Hahaha, view view of skyscrapers.

Laurie Allee said...

Beautiful! I love the composition here, and that beautiful grass!

Olivier said...

petit à petit les tours prennent toutes la place ;(

SandyCarlson said...

That open space is lovely. It seems the buildings are gaining on it, though. Lovely sky.

penny said...

That's quite a beautiful sky over Manila, Hilda. It would be nice if they left some open space and never developed it.
Enjoy your weekend my friend :)

Joe Todd said...

Like the composition of building sky and space

arabesque said...

up until recently, condos and new infrastructure are expanding from left to right,but there's a certain feel when you're in the fort. much clean air, less pollution. ^-^

Inday said...

Sounds like when I'll visit our homeland one day (God knows when, while I can gallivant in other places) I will surely get lost. :)

Lovely update for my benefit Madam Hilda.


alicesg said...

Lovely photo for skywatch. Nice to see some construction going to boost the economy. Have a nice weekend.

Lois said...

I like the way the tall buildings are silhouetted against the sky.

Salitype said...

it is indeed fast becoming one of the most developed city. everytime i go home there always is something new to explore in that area!


Rob Siemann said...

I used to live in a place exactly like this in India, 30 floors towers in the middle of nowhere, just next to a slum. Weird thing to adopt the same type of buildings pretty much everywhere in South Asia. I think it is absolutely ugly, and devoid of any humanity.

VP said...

I'm afraid that empty space won't last...

Anonymous said...

No bad. Beautiful sky.
Luiz Ramos

Sunshinelene said...

I hope that empty space will not be filled by more buildings. nice angle shot of the sky.

Thank you for the visit, Hilda!

Cezar and Léia said...

I hope they'll keep some green among the skyscrapers!
God bless you!

Ebie said...

Hi Hilda, not very familiar with the area, but do you think the developers have surveyed the area, and made some planning, that the "Ondoy" experience will not happen again?

Its great to see the lush greenery in your photo!

I'd like if they leave space for a little park or garden.

Have a great weekend!

Lew said...

You are getting a new skyline for this area. May be a great place toget sunsets refleccting off the buildings!

Dhemz said...

looks like a flying eagle....nice one!

my first time for this meme...here is mine:


Anonymous said...

Wow, love that effect of almost leaning buildings. Great great shot.

Unknown said...

Lovely photo!