The balete or banyan tree figures prominently in Philippine mythology as the favored home of spirits, especially the malevolent and evil kind. A portion of the exhibit notes reads:
- Who's afraid of the Balete? Also called the Banyan tree, the Balete's distinct aerial prop roots and capacity to grow to huge proportions have bestowed upon the tree a sacred identity. Most dare not trespass this mysterious entity. Nevertheless, Leeroy New goes ahead to recreate the awe and terror that it inspires, using bright orange flexible conduits for electric cables as probing roots that attach to and choke pristine white pillars.

All I can say is, I refuse to walk down my favorite brick road at night while the exhibit is ongoing (until October 2 or as long as the plastic tubes last, whichever comes first).

I like the creepy, organic feel of this 'sculpture'.
Also, I am sorry for the loss of your friend, but you will have the memories of your trip to warm your heart.
That is a freaky looking sculpture, I'm not sure I'd want to walk next to it at night either.
I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Anne.
What a sight ! Surely effective, even during the day. Please have a wonderful Thursday.
Prickly and creepy, which I guess is the point. But I'm with you, I'd be on the other side of the street.
This is a very interesting sculpture. It's weird-looking, but I rather like it. I might not like it as well after dark, however.
that's one great big art piece. i hope they get to retain it there or at least have continues display of macro artworks.
Gosh, this sure is creepy ... and creeping. I would refuse to walk by it too. Most excellent photos of it though. That took some courage. :p
Looks like ... interesting (and nearly like aliens with tumours). But the illuminated sculpture is very amazing.
That is a real creepy installation. It's the kind of stuff that gives kids nightmares.
Also, the night shot makes it look like it has a pulse. Creepier.
Much more interesting than a pickled cow.
I adore the balete tree... it's so majestic and powerful. The artist has done a great job of capturing the awe this tree inspires. And I love it when art galleries bring their art outside. Good post, Hilda.
Thanks for sharing the mythology to go with the art.
interesting piece of art, this sure is eerie....lalo na siguro sa gabi. i like the second photo...i can see all the details.
Strange artwork. Does not appeal to me much either.
I do find these creepy. Maybe it is because I've been seeing too many crime movies lately.
Too bad you won't be getting to the theater as much because you had some of the best theater pics in the blogosphere.
If you like Willy Wonka, you've gotta get a theater/school to collaborate and produce it. There are so many parts for kids. It is beautiful.
haha, looks like creepy crawlers out to haunt you! ^0^
what a cool piece, very artistic!
That's wild and more than a little strange...but certainly unique. Thanks for providing the background as that helps understand what these are all about.
We have banyan trees, too, but I've never that particular mythology.
Creepy is the word that comes to my mind too and I don't blame you for not walking around near them at night!
Looks like an amature sci-fi movie scene! I think I'm more scared of it during the day, though. Your night shot is actually very pretty :D
It does look evil. It seems a long time to wait till you can walk there though. Maybe if you smile and talk sweetly....
This is SO cool! I especially like the way it looks in the middle shot.
Sincerely I am not sure to like it, but I have to admit that it is unusual and spectacular. Honor to the imagination of the author!
Hilda: That is really cool.
I think I might have met that thing on a nightmare many years ago!
Despite its "creepy" factor, I'm somehow drawn to the art. I wish I could go see it in person.
This can go under "alien" qualification too! It's oddly, weirdly appealing :)
Yep, could be scary at night.
The creature reminds me of Dr. Seuss imaginings.
It looks like the balete is about to take over the city.
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