October 22, 2009


I can't believe I've never seen a papaya blossom before. Maybe it's because most fruit-bearing papaya trees I've seen are taller than I am. But this little 5-foot (1.5 meter) tree just outside my office window started blooming this week. It's almost hard to imagine that that tiny little flower can turn into such a big (and delicious) fruit.

papaya blossom


marley said...

Today I have seen something new! I can see there are more to come. Very pretty :)

Don and Krise said...

Ive never seen the plant, let alone the flower. You'll have to keep us posted on it's progress.

Lisa Wilson said...

That's so pretty!

Lowell said...

I not only have never seen a papaya blossom, I've never eaten papaya!


James said...

Just another wonderful example of God's handywork.

hadv said...

Let's see if it bears fruits.

Lachezar said...

What a beautiful image of the tiny delicate flower! I must admit that I haven't seen one before too!

Mirela said...

I've never seen the papaya plant before. That's a really weird place (bottom of the stem) for flowers... :-O

Olivier said...

toute petite et toute mignonne, belle macro

nobu said...

A little white flower in green.

Andreea said...

Never seen a papaya plant before, in my mind papaya comes from the supermarket :) Can't believe how tiny the flower is.

Nefertiti said...

il va falloir patientee ;O)

Cezar and Léia said...

Great capture, it's wonderful dear Hilda!
hummm I love papaya! :)

George said...

This is my first papaya blossom as well. Amazing!

Anonymous said...

The insect that fertilizes this plant must be quite small to see this tiny blossom. Thanks for posting this informative photo!

Kaori said...

What a cute little flower! I've never seen a papaya flower, thanks for showing us :)

Tash said...

a very rare sight indeed. You've done splendidly capturing the mini-flower against the huge tree & leaves (not so easy to do).

Lois said...

It's so delicate! My parents had a papaya tree in their yard, but I never noticed the blossoms.

Halcyon said...

I have never seen a papaya blossom either. I agree, it is quite small!

Richard said...

What a beautiful leaf!

VP said...

Funny image: so a big leaf with such a tiny flower!

MurciaDailyPhoto said...

I love how you has captured this picture

Copenhagen said...

I haven't seen a papaya tree for ages...I also miss the taste of it :(

MJ said...

An itty-bitty flower on a stalk - and a huge beautiful leaf surrounding it. Fascinating. Thanks for sharing this.