March 17, 2010

Pun-ny no. 2

Wok Inn. A Chinese restaurant with several branches in Metro Manila.

Wok Inn
"I love to hate puns," says Hilda in Manila.


George said...

Thanks for the chuckle.

Louis la Vache said...

"WOK right in, sit right down, Baby let your hair hang down!"

Lowell said...

Impressive sign...very colorful...hard to miss, which, I suppose, is the point!

Mike Rose said...

Hilda I love some of our local advertising signs. The ones in English(Thinglis) usually are a laugh.
Now you've given me an idea for a mini-series.

In slang English(regional to my part of UK) you could read your sign as "working."

Anonymous said...

Guess, the best food is always prepared at home, inside the kitchen and surrounded by lovely people.
A wonderful Wednesday for you all.

Chuck Pefley said...

I've seen Chinese restaurants with this name here, too.

Leif Hagen said...

There's a new Chinese cookbook in our stores over's called, "How to Wok your dog."
R U laughing??

James said...

That reminds me of a Chinse restaurant that I saw in Texas called "Wok N Roll"

Don and Krise said...

Good find Hilda!

Verna Luga said...

Nyahahaah! we also have one here... it's called steak-of-the-nation... good find Hilds...

Rob Siemann said...

Did you walk in to have lunch?

Olivier said...

une enseigne qui flash ;)

brattcat said...

Reading the comments on this pun-ny post is as humorous as the post itself.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Not exactly the Astoria Plaza! But, the pub is one you "love to hate" for sure!


Birdman said...

w/ branches in Maine too.

VP said...

Eye catching and, I hope, satisfying..

Photo Cache said...

(Grinning) why thank you.

Cezar and Léia said...

Asian restaurants are still not widespread in Brazil, which for me is a pity, I really like the oriental tastes!
God bless you!

Hilda said...

LOL at the video and song!

James & Vernz:
Groan! Those are a hundred times worse than Wok Inn! Hahahahaha!

Chuck & Birdman:
Yes, the name's quite common in many English-speaking countries. Google it and you'll see it all over. :)

No, I am not laughing! That's horrible! Especially since there are still people who do eat dog here in the Philippines and in other Asian countries. :(

Halcyon said...

This one is funny!

Anonymous said...

I say that is very clever! It works for me, It makes me want to try the food there. ;)

Nishant said...

I love some of our local advertising signs.
work at home in india

Unknown said...

Very cool sign! And I love food made in woks.