July 17, 2010

Golden path

It wasn't until I tried taking pictures of a sunset from start to finish that I realized that the sun's reflection on the water lasts for only a few minutes. Taken at the Manila Bay looking towards the hills of the Bataan Peninsula.

sunset at Manila Bay

See what's reflecting what at James' Weekend Reflections.
Weekend Reflections


  1. It all happens so incredibly fast doesn't it. You have captured this scene with much dleicacy, Hilda. The backlighting on the top of the cloud is a joy.

  2. Love those lovely reflections across the water -- sunset or sunrise, they're all breathtaking! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. What a peaceful sight after the strom. May all your steps be as bright. Please have you all a nice start into the weekend.

    daily athens

  4. Superb, Hilda. And yes, sunsets go very fast. I'm always surprised at how quickly the sun sinks below the horizon. Or, conversely, how fast the sun rises above the horizon in the morning. Gotta be quick!

  5. Ah, what a grand entrance, the lights and colors are so soft and magical!

  6. The reflection may have been very brief, but you captured it beautifully. The colors are gorgeous.

  7. Nature knows what it's doing. A great system.
    You caught the right moment.

  8. Hilda I always enjoy sunset plus the occasional sunrise. I think a lot depends on the atmospheric conditions whether the reds or orange colour shows through.

    I sometimes find the camera(DSLR) doesn't do a good job in defining the actual colours viewed by the eye.

    Nice photograph and like the others I like the reflection and highlight at the top of the clouds.

  9. absolutely beautiful!

    i always set my camera to continuous shooting when i watch the sun sinks below the horizon. Most of the time, it turns into a golden sunset especially on a moderate elevation shot.

  10. THis is a remarkable photo, Hilda! Beautiful! One of your best.

  11. I really like how you composed this! And, of course, the sun reflections are just wonderful.

  12. A gorgeous golden path! Great capture, Hilda!

  13. This is so beautiful, Hilda. Fantastic capture.

  14. Great shot, Hilda, you captured it beautifully.

  15. I was just down by the river and saw the sunset. But I didn't really think about seeing how long the reflection is on the water. I'm glad you caught it though. Beautiful how the sun shines through the clouds ;D

  16. Lovely reflections in the water :)

    Have a nice weekend :)

  17. Interestingly, colors, images and a very good snapshot

  18. Those amazing clouds are perfect for this sunset with (fast) reflection.

  19. Très beau reflet ... très beau coucher de soleil. On en rêve ... (Pardon pour l'anglais ...)

  20. what a moment to capture! Fantastic shot

    :) Rosie


  21. Yes, so much changes in just a few seconds, doesn't it? This is a beautiful photo.

  22. Very beautiful! I know what you mean, the other day I liked the way the sun was hitting an adobe wall, by the time I ran into the house to get my camera, the moment was gone!

  23. A stunning magical sky, Hilda. Oh well done. So much depth and beauty to this photo.

  24. This is such a beautiful shot! Great capture of a fleeting moment.

  25. What a peaceful and stunning shot!

  26. Very attractive!


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