These are the magnificent friezes, columns and chandelier in the main lobby of the
National Art Gallery of the Philippines, which used to be the Legislative Building of the country. I know that the architectural details have been there since the early 20th century, when it was built during the
American Colonial Era. Unfortunately, I do not know anything about the chandelier, not even whether it is old or new. If I may hazard a guess, I think it's both. The main chandelier looks like an antique but the organic glass shapes and curvy rods with balls at the end are a newer addition. In fact, the addition reminds me so much of Filipino artist
Impy Pilapil's work. What do you think?
If I ever find out, I'll let you all know, of course.
Beautiful architectural details. The light fixture has an art-deco feel. The style of the different eras compliment each other.
Quite a fancy, elegant, unique chandelier creation!
I look forward to finding out what you discover about this chandelier. But it is certainly very distinctive and very interesting. I rather like it.
Nice to see it's still possible to put ones passion so nicely in a piece of art.
Please have a good Thursday you all.
wouahh quel lustre magnifique.
What does «Louis» think?
«Louis» thinks he doesn't want this falling on his head!
The old and new parts would hurt equally...
Hmmm... looks giant... It's not a applicable "lamp" for my new appartement (LOL).
Etonnant ! La partie haute est lourde mais le reste est fort élégant. Je voudrais le voir ... allumé.
Bonjour Hilda, je n'ai pas souvent le temps de venir te voir !
This an incredible chandelier!
Very elegant and those little forms remind me angels in some way, maybe wings, it's wonderful!
All parts of this structure project elegance. The chandelier is too "busy" for my tastes but I think it works well in a lobby of an art gallery.
I wouldn't mind seeing a lot more of the National Art Gallery of the Philippines!
for sure it cost thousands. just look at how intricate it is.
Wow, that is very original! Gorgeous :D
Wow, I guess that will give a unique light. Pretty!:)
Great composition of a beautiful place!
Whoever made it, I love it. A fantastic piece of work.
cool tentacles
That could well be Impy's work, Hilda. Do you want me to ask her?
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