Ever since I can remember, there's been a
sari-sari (variety) store in this corner in our neighborhood. The glass cases and steel shutters date back to my childhood too. About the only thing different about it is all the banners advertising prepaid cellphone load. The store used to be called Junior's. I don't know if that is still its name or if it's owned by the same family, but I still refer to it as Junior's until now.
Little shops like these really do have everything.
It's nice to see that little stores like this survive even with so many 'big box' stores around.
It's always great to have this option nearby!
Happy weekend dear Hilda,
I remember the sari-sari store in our neighborhood in Pampanga. It seems I went there every day for something or other! There is a "sari-sari" store here in Colorado Springs, but it's not quite the same thing, though it is in spirit :^)
hee hee...
In a similar vein, there is a local espresso shop that was once called "The Clock Bakery", taking its name from a large clock in a tower above the shop. It is no longer a bakery, and has gone through several incarnations of being an espresso shop, but everyone here still refers to it as "The Clock Bakery".
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