One of the fountains in Plaza Moriones, a park just outside the
main gate and
moat of
Fort Santiago, one of the oldest fortifications in the City of Manila. During the 19th century, it was a promenade for the residents of
Intramuros. Now, the gardens can be rented for special events such as wedding receptions.

Natural or man-made, take a refreshing dip in Watery Wednesday.
That is really a great picture Hilda. The way the water is captured and the flowers in front.
Hilda, I like the way you have captured this fountain. It's alive! I am always having problem trying to get a good picture of fountains. Fountains are so beautiful especially at night when lit up with multi-coloured lights.
How inviting this looks. I love fountains and this is one is beautiful Hilda. Also I agree, the flowers in the foreground just add to the beauty.
Une bien belle fontaine.. En ces temps de canicule espérons que nous n'allons pas manquer d'eau ...
Wow. Its beautiful!
Lovely photo of a wonderful fountain.
You caught this very well, with the bright colors in foreground. The dripping water gives a real sense of freshness and the garden around looks beautiful.
superbe cette fontaine, et par cette chaleur elle doit être très agréable.
haughtiness this fountain, and by this warmth she owes very nice being
i took photos of this fountain a few months ago.:P i hope you enjoyed your visit in Fort Santiago.
This looks like a wonderful place for a wedding. ALmost makes me want to do it again!
Nice shot of the fountain Hilda. Like Autumn bell I have trouble capturing this subject.
That place looks like a good place for a romantic photo schoot. The word promenade always evokes that feeling in me. =)
Everything looks so elegant, perhaps because the fountain is fall and there are cannas planted around it.
I love the composition and how the water turned out in this image.
Such a nice place.
Very nice photo & a beautiful water fountain. I love the flowers around it, too!
Happy WW
Nice capture of the water.. I can see the mist shower!
That's so neat! I love fountains, waterfalls, pools, rivers, lakes, everything that has water in it... Just the open sea is a bit too much for me!
God bless you!
What a beautiful fountain. This looks like it would be a perfect spot for a wedding reception.
why does that water look so cool? Because I am so darn hot? !!
Oh wow! How beautiful! The lush green plants in the background really made the yellow flowers and fountain pop in the photo.
That would be a lovely setting for a wedding and for the photos too!
Thanks for your kind birthday wishes and the prayer too. I'm not religious but please feel free to pray for me anytime you like. Nothing wrong with a bit of extra help and happiness :)
Nice shot, Hilda.
Beautiful fountain in the middle of that fantastic vegetation. What a great place! Ciao. A.
I bet it is quite a nice place for photos of a wedding party! This fountain is stunning!
I agree they look romantic - perfect place to trap young people into marriage :)
It probably sounds just as lovely as it looks!
Great shot! I could hear the water splashing!
My main blog is here.
That's a really ...crispy water. Love it! Ciao Hilda.
Wonderful fountain, nicely framed.
Elegant and nice!
Beautiful fountain and great picture.
The Plaza Moriones is a promenade inside Fort Santiago during the 19th century which has been used in celebration of different occasions since the time of the Spaniards.
This plaza has an ample array of foliage which provides a soothing atmosphere for an amazing and traditional Philippine wedding celebration. The Trellis, adjacent to the Plaza Moriones is a gazebo-like pathway ornamented with hanging bougainvilleas and red, brick flooring.
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