April 26, 2012


TriNoma Transport Terminal Since the Manila Metro Rail Transit (MRT) System's last northern station is beside TriNoma mall (see previous post), the mall's management converted a portion of its outdoor parking lot into a transport terminal for jeepneys and their air-conditioned counterparts (Asian Utility Vehicles licensed as public transport vehicles). It's a service to commuters and it probably translates to more customers for the mall too. What's a few shopping errands between the train and the jeepney?


Rob Siemann said...

That's quite convenient.

Olivier said...

belle photo de rue

Leif Hagen said...

Nice to catch up on your blog today - I've been too busy to do much commenting lately!

Lowell said...

The corporate mindset never stops thinking of ways to increase the bottom line.

Thanks so much for all your comments - they are much appreciated. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!