March 2, 2009

Open iPod

Spotted in Tomato Kick, the restaurant that turns into a bar at night, located in the house that was converted into a tiny strip mall. Don't like the music? Plug in your own iPod.

iPod plugged into speakers

Find more Odd Shots—or post your own—at Katney's Kaboodle.
Odd Shots Monday


अविनाश said...

i use 2 have gr8 gr8 craze 4 i-pods

nice capture

Anonymous said...

Assuming you have one.

Olivier said...

personnellement j'aime pas les ipod, j'ai des problèmes d'oreille et je ne peux pas écouter de la musique avec des oreillettes

personally I do not like the ipod, I have ear problems and I can not listen to music with headphones

Halcyon said...

I'm not a huge fan of ipods and personal music devices in public places. I they are leading to a loss of community within our younger generations.

I remember listening to "soft rock" on the radio in my mom's car when I was young. Certainly it's not my favorite music, but there are some songs I still like to this day. And I have some good memories of singing along with my sister in the back. These days you'll see families driving around with each kid listening to their ipods or watching a dvd player. It's sort of sad to me.

Lowell said...

What a delightful photo - a whimsical adventure in "Ipoditry" - love it, Hilda!

JC said...

Gone are the days of the jukebox...

Ingrid said...

To me an Ipod is a new walkman, lol !

Lilli & Nevada said...

I don't have one keep thinking i should

Debbie Courson Smith said...

Music ala carte.

marley said...

A whole new meaning to the phrase Bring Your Own!

Katney said...

The photo is striking. the comments are all interesting points of view worth pondering.

Saretta said...

A mall in a house in a bar in a restaurant? I'm confused... :-)

gogouci said...

Very clever idea.

TwD said...

I like the pic but I don't know what to say...

Ken Mac said...

This is a very un Hilda shot. I didn't know you were a club crawler!

abc said...

Yes, that is an odd shot :-)

Reena said...

oh my. this is in maginhawa lng pala. :) i will drop by there soon. thanks for this info. this place sounds like a real treat for college students. nung panahon ko (ehem) eh tambay ako ng 70's bistro. haha.

angela said...

Well spotted, Hilda. That blue really stands out against the black..

Priyanka Khot said...

i like the name Tomato Pick. Interesting. I am no fan of the i-pod though. End of the day I can not listen to more than one song at a time... so whats the big deal about having 10,000 songs on the pod...

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

HIlda: Hope you are OK. I'm not seeing a Tuesday post. We're having snow today!


Anonymous said...

What ever happened to whistling or humming? I am not one of those in love with canned music.

Dragonstar said...

That's such fun! Not to mention an absolutely excellent shot.

escape said...

sounds really really cool!

penny said...

Great Odd Shot, Hilda! Thanks for your visit and kind comments:)

George said...

I have not heard of this use of the iPod. I would say this definitely qualifies as an odd shot!