The pious and devout female Indios (natives), probably spinsters, were walking around the plaza praying the rosary. Sometimes, they entered the Manila Cathedral to pray inside too.

I forgot to ask if she was a Peninsulare (Spaniard born in Spain) or an Insulare (Spaniard born in the Philippines). She could even have been an Indio from a wealthy family who has traveled to Europe. On second thought, scratch that last guess. I don't think she would have been allowed to walk around unescorted if she weren't European.

When it comes to cockfighting, race and education don't matter. It brought together these Mestizos (half Spaniard, half Indio) and Indios. The three on the left are obviously Ilustrados (educated) while the one on the right looks like a peasant.

Two members of the Guardia Civil (civil guard) were patrolling the area the entire time.

A wealthy Chinese merchant was also walking around the plaza, probably to meet with European traders. He wouldn't have had his home in Intramuros though. If he were a Catholic Chinese, he would have lived in Binondo just across the Pasig River.

Two students of the Escuela Municipal de Manila, a primary school for about 30 sons of Peninsulares and Insulares, were running all over the place. Neither the Guardia Civil nor the strict spinster friends caught them.

In 1859, the city-subsidized school was turned over to the Jesuits. In 1865, when it was elevated to a secondary school, its name was changed into the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. In 1902, during the American colonial period, the government stopped its subsidy and it became a private school for boys. Six years later, in 1908, the school finally dropped the word 'Municipal' from its name. It has been known as the Ateneo de Manila since then.
I love the photos and descriptions. The costumes are great! What a wonderful way to learn about a city with a rich such a rich and mixed history. Thanks for introducing us to all these people!
Fascinating! Learn something here every day.
What beautiful photos, Hilda! And beautiful people as well! I think Filipinos are really beautiful people. And your country must be fantastic as well, judging from you photos. Wish you all the best. Ciao. A.
What wonderful clothes! I especially love the dresses of course. I always learn something fascinating from your posts Hilda!
These photos are super fascinating...and your commentary, as usual, is excellent. It appears people really get into the spirit of this celebration.
Once again, I'm amazed at how pervasive Roman Catholicism is in your country...what was the religion before the RC missionaries arrived?
Love the costumes, and you're new photo? Well, you're just beautiful, Hilda from Manila!
Have a great day!
Hi Hilda with the pretty new profile picture! Your sesquicentennial portrait pictures are fun - must have been a lively display of characters!
Neat way to give a history lesson. You just made learning fun.
Hi dear Hilda!Beautiful costumes!Fabulous pictures and I liked a lot the first one!They are adorable!
Thanks for sharing these shots and for all fabulous information!
I'm always learning something really cool and great here with you!
By the way...I loved your new picture in your profile!CUTE!!! ;-) and please don't say don't!
God bless you
Thanks Hilda, that was nice and I enjoyed very much.
les costumes sont magnifiques, avec une préférence pour la deuxième photo.
costumes are splendid, with a priority for the second photograph.
I love these costumes and obviously these students are enjoying their acting. Excellent post, great photos and wonderful captions.
Thanks for the history lesson and the great photos. I think it was very appropriate to recreate early Manila during this event. The costumes certainly looked appropriate for the period.
I also like the post and all the interesting pictures. I guess this must have been a kind of history lesson for everyone who would probably not know all of the periods and costumes. I think you did a remarkable job.
Fantastic Photos and information, Hilda. I enjoyed this history very much!
Oooo this is so fun. One can infer so much through the historical costumes and your commentary. I have only known contemporaries from Manila and am only vaguely aware of any of the history. Your photos brought so much to life. And way more fun than Ken Burns documentary! :-)
PS, your new avatar is cute!
Great pictures and great stories going along with them. You wrote they acted "as if they were residents of mid-19th century", so what did they say when you took a picture with such a modern camera?
The idea to hire actors and re-create such atmosphere is also wonderful!
Hi Hilda,
Your fellow look nice with their native costumes. Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful portraits and great post! You seem really interested in this topic. How did you get all the knowledge?
Hilda, your new ID photo is so beautiful... I just love you wonderful smile! It always makes me happy :D
This is a marvelous post and as always you are a fantastic teacher and communicator...
Thanks and have a delightful day.
Hilda, this is such a great post! Very nice images and great information about the different people in your country.
By the way, nice new photo! :-)
Beautiful photo and great story, and I just notice you got new profile photo. I like this one more than last one :)
My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
You Got A Posty
All Little Things I Like
Thailand In Photos
Hilda, thank you again for another great post. Love the photos of the people in various dress. You really work hard to put up a quality post with lots of interesting info. We should all be so good at it.
Hi Hilda - what fascinating history - I've expanded my "allotments" post answering your question in the comments - you prompted me to dig deeper thanks.
loved the theme of the event. What a great photo-op. I liked the costumes. Isn't jewelery too high on the list of Manila women. I hardly saw them wearing any.
India of that time would see women and men alike supporting loads of jewelery.
And Hilda I was not kidding about the monkeys. They flock our administrative block and not always just in the political robes. :-)
Une manifestation très sympathique ! Les jeunes gens sont beaux ! Il est toujours important de faire revivre le passé pour comprendre le présent.
Magnific post. Bautiful Photos. Excellent documentation. It´s the story of Spain in Filipinas. You can see the Spain´s Flag in the uniforms of the Guardia Civil on the shoulders.
My Grandfather Juan did the military service in Philippines.
Very interesting portraits !
happy 150th! i heard rumors that a lot of your activities were put on hold because of the flu. But looks like it's not.
Anyway, i enjoy this post very much. i'm like studying Philippine history all over again. If our history classes had this kind of images and explanations, i would really have enjoyed that subject. lol.
thanks hilda! and looks like many outsiders are really appreciating our culture and history because of you. kudos!
Great post. And so very interesting seeing these periode costumes.
Charming and lovely living history!
The very first inhabitants (50,000 years ago) were probably animist. But by the end of the 1st century AD, there was evidence of Hindu and Buddhist influences. Islamic missionaries arrived just a few centuries before the Spaniards, and Ferdinand Magellan's first few encounters in the islands were with Muslims.
Actually, they had instructions to ignore all photographers and people who want to pose with them for photos. But the poor kids couldn't do much against insistent adults! ;)
All Filipino students are required to read Jose Rizal's two novels, both of which describe the culture of mid- to late-19th century Manila very well.
You're right! I didn't notice that at all. Yes, jewelry was worn, but not as much as Indian women did – and do! ;)
Juan Manuel:
That's such a wonderful coincidence and absolutely fascinating! Did he keep journals or photos of his time here? I hope it wasn't during the Spanish-American War or the Philippine Revolution.
It was the grade school and high school students and faculty who were kept away because some cases were discovered among their students a week or two before the kick-off. It was mostly alumni and employees who attended. I guess we all decided to risk the flu because we probably won't be around when the next big anniversary comes around – fifty years from now!
nice nice... i just wish we always get to see them there in intramuros to keep the culture alive.
The costumes are great!! The ladies' tops are beautiful.
Like one commenter said I would'v enjoyed history better with your commentary and these period reenactment around. Bravo Hilda! What a wonderful post. =)
Thank you for sharing this event with us. My favorite was the embroidery on that two girls sleeves - so light - so detailed!
a great event; well captured
Very interesting!
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