February 12, 2010

All in a day's work

Our office always makes it a point to document all our events, both for the university website and also for our sponsors. I don't know what our grounds maintenance personnel uses this platform for, but it's great for recording an event taking place in a huge field. And isn't that acacia tree top just luscious?

recording an event from a small platform attached to the top of a ladder

By the time I finished my circuit around the field, my office mate was already holding an umbrella up. Probably not so much to keep the heat of the sun off, but because she can't see what's on the LCD screen for the glare.

recording an event from a small platform attached to the top of a ladder

I wish I could send some sun and heat to those still in the grip of winter. Our evenings and dawns are still a bit cool, but Metro Manila is already hitting 32°C at mid-day!

Visit the Sky Watch Friday home page and tour the skies of our beautiful world.
Sky Watch Friday


Anonymous said...

Your blue skies do say warm weather is here to stay. Won't be long before everyone is running off to the nearest beach :D Lucky you.

Don and Krise said...

Wow, gorgeous blue sky and yes I do see the short sleeves too. Here it's gray and rainy. We're all in sweatshirts still.

Lowell said...

So that isn't you up there, right? No, you're taking the photos? Do you ever run the camera?

Heck, you can send some warmth to us in Florida...we've had a very unusual winter with temps dipping 15 plus degrees below normal for weeks!

brattcat said...

Thank you for sharing some of your warmth with us. I mean that in every sense of the word.

Unknown said...

summer is a bit early, don't you think? hmmmnn, got some invite to come to this fair.:p

Paulina Millaman said...

Thank you for your comments, you are so kind and nice.

Priyanka Khot said...

Standing at that height might give an excellent top view. U must try to get a few photographs from there sometime.

Delhi is back to being cool. We hope the spring lasts at least 10 days before summer comes out to display its ruthlessness.

Olivier said...

vaut pas avoir le vertige ;) j'aime beaucoup la deuxième photo avec le contre jour

Jom Manilat said...

Great photos! I love Asia and I would really like some sun and heat.
Today it´s -25C in northern Sweden where I live.

eileeninmd said...

It looks like a wonderful warm day there and a pretty sky. Wonderful skywatch photos.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be up there taking photos. What a view!

Please do not feel sorry for me in Canada in the cold. I much prefer cold to too much heat, really I do! I think 32° is too warm. :)

January Zelene said...

El Nino is hitting Philippines this year... grabeh na short na tayo sa power... we need rain rain!

James Mark said...

Yes, the tree is certainly a treat. We got up to 5ºC yesterday and I felt warm at home for the first time for a while.

joo said...

The blue sky and green tree make me envious:)
Lovely photos Hilda!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Greetings from Poland:)

Kim, USA said...

Wow that is too early for a temp like that and it's not summer yet. I do wish we have at least 1/4 of that temp ^_^ Happy weekend!

Romantic Sunset

arabesque said...

grabe hilds, i agree with you! it;s so freaking hot these days! ^0^
but here we are complaining about the weather while others are freezing cold, i just hope the weather will be nice to us. pls...^0^

Rob said...

A perfect vantage point to be up so high. We too are experiencing the warmth. This morning we warmed up to -15 C.

Dewdrop said...

So, could you try to send some of that warmth??? We are expecting sleet and snow here today! That never happens.

Great and interesting shots!

penny said...

Heights must not bother this worker because the acacia tree behind him looks huge.
Nice high in the sky captures, Hilda.
Have a relaxing weekend, my friend.

George said...

It's nice of your to offer to send us some of your warmth. We're in for another week of snow and below-average temperatures. It is so nice to see people working in tee-shirts!

Müge Tekil said...

You have beautifully shared that moment with us, thank you :-)

Lois said...

I wish you could too Hilda! Although Florida is advertised as the "sunshine state", it is cold and rainy here today. Good thing I got my Skywatch pic earlier in the week!

Quiet Paths said...

Such interesting photos! Like the perspectives here. And, enjoy your sunshine and warm days.

VP said...

I always envy every vantage position with a camera!

Halcyon said...

I would love to have some of your heat! Looks like a good place to get pictures. Hope you have a great weekend.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

It must be so hot up there. I rememebr in Borneo, at sports day, the judges were all seated under a giant umbrella.

Tara said...

It means that the platform was higher than the acacia tree. It must have been so high, wow!

Sunshinelene said...

Beautiful! am scared of heights so am the one scared for this person. Nanginginig tuhod ko. hehehee

Thank you po sa bisita sa aking sky entry. :)

Wish you many sunshiny days out tehre.

Hilda said...

No, the platform was not higher than the tree. The tree was at the other end of the field! It's the tree that's huge — wide and tall. :)

I rarely take 'official' photos during our events and I've never handled a recorder. When my assigned task allows me to take photos, they're just for the blog.

Regina said...

Nice and cool!
Enjoy the weekend Hilda.

Terry said...

I wish I had such a cool place to take pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Irene said...

Wonderful blue sky! Thanks for visiting!