February 23, 2010

Understated playfulness

One of the ceiling lamps of Burgoo American Bar and Restaurant in The Block (a mall in Quezon City). Much more subdued and elegant than the brightly-colored lamps in their branch in The Podium (a mall in Pasig City), but just as playful.

ceiling lamp of Burgoo American Bar and Restaurant in The Block


Kim said...

Seattle is giving you a shout out with Mondy's photo! It was on your blog that I finally put two and two together about Dr. José Rizal and the bridge and park named for him here in Seattle. Cheers, and I love today's playful lighting fixture. Fun shadows.

Lowell said...

Let their be (well-designed) light! A beautiful and artistic and useful artifact!

Steve Harris said...

I think that's one of the most interesting light fixtures I've seen in a while. Very nice!

George said...

I think this is a beautiful fixture. I really like it.

gogouci said...

It sure does set a mood for a great dining experience. I like the spider web effect it projects on the ceiling too.

Don and Krise said...

I like all the different elements that go into this lamp. The shape, the colors, the pattern on the ceiling...it's hard to tell just how large it is.

Dina said...


Deden said...

a modern look and yet elegant... nicely done...

Olivier said...

magnifique lumières et surtout l'ombre sur le plafond.

Gunn said...

That is what I call nice and unique!

Cezar and Léia said...

It's beautiful, great shot Hilda!

Verna Luga said...

It's beautiful HIlds, classic yet modern lighting fixture ...

Anything Davao
In This Side of Town

arabesque said...

ooh, i like this fixture, don't know why but it reminded me of mackintosh's design.
sometimes all you need is to look up! ^0^

ps: your comment was so funny, didn't even notice it's hanford till you've mentioned it! haha ^0^
tnx for droppin by..

Lois said...

I really like that Hilda! I wouldn't mind having one in my dining room at home.

Halcyon said...

I like it too! Simple, yet nice.

Jilly said...

What a beautiful lamp - a lamp within a lamp! - and loving the shadows too.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» likes the play of the geometry between the fixture and the shadows. Nice shot, Hilda!

This well-designed light fixture would actually work in some churches...

VP said...

I like the idea of a lamp within a lamp: it's easier to clean the outer glass leving undisturbed the beautiful and probably delicate interior.

Ingrid said...

What a lamp ! I would love it too !

Tussy said...

It is nice flixture, you always have beautiful shot.

I'm gald you stop by my site, it was good to get the mood for bloging again, isn't it. :)

James Mark said...

… and the "acorn" is pretty too.

Andreea said...

Pretty nice.

Virginia said...

I'm thinking Franck Lloyd Wright and that design era. Lovely