March 21, 2010

Sticky rice

Sapin-sapin is a Filipino dessert made of malagkit (sticky rice) flour, sugar and coconut milk, and cooked by steaming. The different colors come from additional ingredients (and food coloring) which give the basic recipe different flavors. Depending on the cook, these could include ube (purple yam), corn, sweet potato and even squash (think pumpkin pie). Sapin-sapin means layered, and slicing into the white pieces will reveal at least two other layers with different colors and flavors. This particular sapin-sapin features a center of biko, another sweet glutinous rice delicacy. If you like coconut, you can sprinkle toasted coconut flakes over it or, better yet, latik—the result of heating coconut milk until the oil separates from the solids.


Because of it's festive colors, sapin-sapin is popular Filipino party fare. So what better way to celebrate My Manila's 2nd anniversary than with something sweet and very Pinoy. Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful encouragement these past two years—it is because of you that I have managed to continue blogging for this long. It has been a joy showing you Metro Manila and other parts of the Philippines, telling you about our customs, history and art, and all other manner of things (even the not-so-nice ones), and I hope that you've found it enjoyable too. Again, thank you.


Stefan Jansson said...

It's been interesting Hilda. I'm always fascinated by the difference life styles and cultures in all our daily city photo blogs. I have been blogging for four years next month. This dessert looks interesting and colorful.

Gunn said...

Congratulations Hilda with your 2.anniversary !!
Celebrate and enjoy the result of the very good work you have put in to your superb blog!
This looks colorful and tasty!

Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd anniversary! Mine was earlier this month and I totally forgot about it until now.
This dessert looks like a piece of modern art. I wouldn't want to ruin it by eating it!

Ursel said...

The dessert sounds yummy, I hope you enjoyed it. Congratulations to your 2nd anniversary! Your blog is always a pleasure to read, thank you very much!

brattcat said...

Happy 2nd Anniversary, Hilda. One of the things I love about you and your blog is your generosity of spirit. You share Manila so thoughtfully with us, but you also share your sincere kindness. I look forward to many, many more posts from you.

Lowell said...

And may you have many more CDP anniversaries to celebrate by indulging in this very colorful and what appears to be tasty fare!

I always appreciate your blogs and have learned a great deal about Manila and the Philippines!

And this desert has few calories, right?

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Happy BlogDay, Hilda. I too, enjoy reading your posts (even if I do not always comment). Keep up the good work.

Kim said...

Here is a big cheer for two wonderful years of My Manilla and to its creator and super photographer, our much beloved Hilda! Thank you for this sweet treat. Happy, happy 2nd blogoversary!! You make it look easy, but we know the dedication it takes to post daily, write interesting commentary, and keep in touch with other blogging friends. You do it all with such aplomb, and make the blogosphere such a friendly place!

Pam Lane said...

Congratulations on two years! I've only been following for a short time, but I've thoroughly enjoyed the interesting historical and cultural information you've shared, along with some really great pictures.

Anonymous said...

Concratulations upon this achievement of yours !
A site which for sure does provide food for body, mind and soul, one can only wish to be allowed to follow it for further years.
A wonderful Sunday for you all.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Congratulations, Hilda on your 2nd blogoversary. This is quite an achievement. I appreciate the effort it takes to post daily and your dedication to teaching us about your city and country. It certainly is a labor of love. And thank you too for taking the time to leave such encouraging comments on the blogs of others.

Leif Hagen said...

I wonder if it tastes like Japanese mochi??

Mike Rose said...

Hilda I think blogging is great for bringing different cultures together so well done on two years.

As for sticky rice-one of my favourites using it is a sweet they make here with ripe mangoes. Yum!

alex said...

the bold colors make the dessert look very surreal, almost inedible! I wonder how it tastes.

Thanks for sharing Manila with us. From your blog, I've learned that it is a metropolis with many facets, and it's interesting to see the different sides of the city. Please continue your superb work, we really enjoy it!

peppermint said...

Congratulation for your 2nd anniversary, Hilda. What an achievement. Thx you for sharing a beautiful sight of Manila, including this tasty sticky rice. I'm hungry now.

George said...

Congratulations, Hilda! I've enjoyed your blog as much as I'm sure I would enjoy this sapin-sapin. Excuse me, I now have to go see if I can find a snack in the refrigerator.

Don and Krise said...

Happy 2nd Birthday to your blog-baby Hilda. I think everyone will agree when I say that many of us have learned most of what we know about your country, it's rich history, it's religious background, it's wonderful food and much much more from reading your posts. Again, a big congratulations and as long as you keep posting, we'll keep on reading.

Great job Hilda!

Pat said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Seems like quite a few of us started blogging around the same time. I just love this photo/dessert, and would like to try it.....

Rob Siemann said...

Looks awfully sweet. Happy anniversary, Hilda!

Saretta said...

Congratulations on 2 wonderful years Hilda! I think I would like this dessert very much!

Anonymous said...

To answer your question about rust on rust. There is a new metal coating or it is done in the metal fabrication where the idea is to make the metal rust. Then that rust prevents any further rust or damage to it. It seems to work as you can see it rust over a period of months and then it never changes after that.

This looks like it would be super sweet to the taste. Is it?

brattcat said...

Hi Hilda. In answer to your question at my blog, that's a maple tree and once you boil out the excess water from the sap you're left with the most delicious maple syrup used mostly on pancakes and waffles but also on ice cream, in yogurt, in smoothies...some people even sweeten their coffee and tea with it.

Kaori said...

Congratulations Hilda! I've been enjoying your blog ever since you commented on mine :D Will be looking forward to more of your lovely photos and interesting stories! Happy blog birthday!

Jilly said...

What an colourful birthday cake for Hilda. Many congratulations on your big day and thankyou for such beautiful and sensitive posts and for your kindness in visiting and commenting. I so agree with Brattcat and Kim. You are one very special lady and blogger, dear Hilda.

Birdman said...

Congrats late, on your 2 year anniversary. That's a lot of pictures.

Verna Luga said...

Wow.... sarap... akala ko logo ng ABS ... LOL... dropping by Hilds...

mia said...

That looks so yummy!!!!

Happy 2nd birthday to your blog!!! You know you've inspired me to start (and finally keep up!) mine. So thank you very much. :) Your warmth and kindness have made blogging such a great experience for me, and for so many other CDP bloggers. Cheers to you Ma'am Hilda! :)

Celine said...

How interesting... creative and looks really good.

Congrats on two years, Hilda!

Cezar and Léia said...

Oh, well, we feel obliged to thank you for sharing the precious culture (and cuisine...) of the Philippines! Keep on bloggin'!
God bless you!

Judy said...

Congratulations Hilda! That is a yummy looking way to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, Hilda. You have a great keep on blogging!

Hilda said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful and encouraging greetings, everyone! You guys are the best!

Louis la Vache said...

Joyeux annivesaire to My Manila, one of «Louis'» favorite blogs!

Leif Hagen said...

Oh, Hilda! I must have been "out to lunch!" I missed the most important point of your Sunday posting - YOUR 2ND ANNIVERSARY! CONGRATULATIONS on a blogging very well done! Bravo! Encore!
Blog on, Hilda, blog on!

Halcyon said...

It certainly looks interesting, but I think it might be too sweet for my taste.

escape said...

i tried eating that once. tastes good and i wish it's available somewhere here.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Looks yummy! I ate sapin-sapin yesterday weeeeeeee!

Congratulations on your 2nd blogoversary! Keep blogging Ms. Hilda.

VP said...

A nice picture of a beautiful looking dessert to celebrate your second anniversary.
I like your style, your photography and your way of writing about things. Yours is really one of the most interesting blogs around and I'm always happy to drop by or catch up if I am late (as I am today).

Unknown said...

Now this is colourful and reminds me of Sonia Delaunay's work!
My belate congratulations, Hilda! You have done a great job over the two years and wish you will keep on doing it!

Chin said...

Happy anniversary.

Dina said...

The sapin-sapin is colorful, interesting, fun, and full of taste--just like your blog. Happy birthday, My Manila, and many many more!

Unknown said...

Wow, great colours

Unknown said...

Congratulations on two years! Lovely photos. Beautiful colours in this picure.