March 20, 2010

Turn of the century modern

This is the front of Crisostomo, the restaurant of chef Florabel Co where we celebrated my husband's birthday last year with a full-course Filipino meal. Reflected in its windows are the umbrella tables of a neighboring coffee shop, the palm trees in the plaza of Eastwood Mall where the restaurant is located, and one of the many high-rise condominium towers which completely surround it.

facade of Crisostomo restaurant

See what's reflecting what at James' Weekend Reflections.
Weekend Reflections


Carolyn Ford said...

That is a lovely restaurant...and the reflections are something special. Nice!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful and colourful collection of reflections in one window! Lovely photo!

PJ said...

It looks lovely and I would enjoy having a meal like that.

Lowell said...

I like the chairs, but the reflections are superb!

Regina said...

Really a nice resto.
Great reflections.

Happy weekend Hilda.

Anonymous said...

The reflections are so clear! They seem to blend right in with the rest of the ambience!

Leif Hagen said...

Looks like a classy spot to celebrate a birthday or simply enjoy time and good food with friends!

Louis la Vache said...

Good choice for the Weekend Reflections meme - and it looks like a fine place to eat. ;-)

Rajesh said...

Very nice place and reflections are beautiful.

Ebie said...

Someone's having a nice refreshing drink! Beautiful reflection shot and nice resto!

Crafty Green Poet said...

looks like a lovely place to eat, nice reflections too

VP said...

Great place and excellent reflections. An apt name, Crisostomo comes from the Greek for Golden Mouth....

Eden said...

Stunning reflections and a beautiful place too. The mention of Filipino meals make my mouth drools..hehehe.

My Life as A MOM said...

Happyyyyyyyy! Oh, I'm so glad you found me here. Of course I remember you. I only have my baking site left in the multiply world. I'm pretty much in here and in facebook. It got pretty boring in there and there wasn't much going on anymore.

This was my hubby's idea to have my own site to keep myself busy, like taking care of 2 kids is not busy enough. LOL!

I'm your follower now :-) This is really not my main blog. I made this coz I'm learning to take pictures with my new cam. My main blog is the Clairebakescakes.

I'm so happy you said hi :-) Take care and nice too see you again as well.

Woody said...

Cool! There's a guy in the reflection that looks like he could be sitting inside enjoying his meal. The link to the traditional Filipino meal was great! said...

this looks like a nice place to dine and the food looks delish! said...

stop by and visit me if you can, I'm celebrating my blogoversary with a giveaway.
: )

Halcyon said...

Beautiful reflections.

Happy weekend!!

johnny said...

Bonito Restaurant,Hilda tu fecuentas unos lugares preciosos, me gustan los reflejos que has captado. Hay un cochecito de bebe ¡¡¡, espero que el bebe no hay sido raptado :)))

Kat said...

Beautiful, clear reflections. Looks like a lovely place to celebrate, and the meal sounded fantastic (thanks for the link) Kathy

Saretta said...

I love the complexity of this image! And I like your profile photo, too!

Cezar and Léia said...

I had to click on the link of a full course Filipino meal and, wow! It seems delicious! I wish there was a Filipino restaurant around here!
God bless you!

Piyush Garyali said...

What a lovely shot. I love the empty seats and the reflection. The lighting and the tones are just perfect. Have a wonderful weekend ahead

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello dear Hilda,
wow this place is awesome, very elegant indeed!
By the way please forgive my crazy mommy Léia, because she did a mess with my last post.Yesterday she was trying to do a beautiful post about Spring in my blog when a friend of her arrived and you know how are all girls together chatting...anyway, after all she forget to check about my post, about the size of the collages and so on.So sorry about it.
And you are such a gentle friend,thanks so much for your words!
purrs and always love

James said...

Very nice shot Hilda. I remember the food that you posted last year. It really does look like a nice place. I've never seen a restaurant around here that serves Filipino food. :(

Suburban Girl said...

Wow, looks like a nice place! Warm colors in the reflection make it feel cozy.

Anonymous said...

it looks like a sophisticate place.
Great umbrella reflections...

Amanda Moore said...

Wow what a great window reflection and the restaurant's exterior is so lovely it compliments each other.

George said...

You've captured multiple interesting reflections in the window of this restaurant. I hope the meal was as nice as this photo.

escape said...

another great shot!