I remember going to Baguio with my family when I was a child and my parents renting bicycles for us at the park. I don't remember if any of the bikes then had sidecars like this one. It's great for families with very young children. (Don't ask me why this kid chose a bike with a sidecar—my guess is he just likes the idea of biking with the sidecar and the umbrella. I mean, wouldn't you, if you were his age?) Now that I'm an adult, I think that renting bicycles there is senseless—you can't take the bike out of that one strip of road so you'll just be biking back and forth and back and forth and back and forth… you get what I mean. You can't even take the bike around the park!

Burnham Park is bisected by several small streets. At the very back of the park is a huge lawn. Sadly, it's not well-maintained and the grass is overgrown. That, and the mud, didn't stop these Sunday morning soccer players from having a game though. I couldn't tell who was playing for which side, but I'm sure they did.

Off to one side of the boating lagoon is a skating rink. Since it was a weekend, the place was full of young teens practicing their skateboarding skills. I don't remember ever seeing this area when I was a kid. I love the pattern of the roof and its supporting frame. PHOTO BY DOGBERRY

This relief sculpture depicts various scenes from the lives of the Igorot. Again, I've uploaded this image in a higher resolution than I normally do so you can click it to enlarge it. There are two men fighting, one tied up like a prisoner, someone playing a nose flute, a couple of people dancing, one carrying firewood to two people roasting a pig, and a few others I couldn't figure out. Sigh. Why did vandals have to choose this piece to put graffiti on?

And finally, here's Daniel Hudson Burnham himself, or rather, a bust of him. I'm so glad he spent some time here in the Philippines—Baguio City might not be as pretty if it weren't for him. BAGUIO CITY SERIES #5

Thanks for a great trip through a lovely park! I share your affection for that interesting skating structure.
It is odd about the lack of bike paths for all those rental bikes, isn't it?
That must ve a very nice park! I also like the roof on the 4th picture.
The boats look like fun!
ooh, I love that roof. Hilda, have you ever considered making your pics bigger? They are such great shots and you show such detail. I know I would like to see a bigger view into your world. Ming of Manhattan showed me, you just go into the HTML page in Blogger then look for S400 in the script, and change it to S640. Just a thought!
Must be graffiti hacks. They don't understand that you need a better background if you want people to be able to read your tags.
This was another wonderful birtula walk around apart of your world. Such an informative post aswell. I Too love the roof, and the way you got the sweeparound in shot.
The looks like a wonderful place to spend the day!
That was a pleasant Sunday walk through the park. The trees look like willows to me they are lovely at the waterside.
Thanks for the memories. I loved Burnham park on my "05 visit. I love Baguio enough to retire there next year.
I remember way back 2009 visiting Baguio boating with my 4 month old baby.. a bit frightened.. but totally wonderful experience. Very nice place!
Boat Hire Sydney
It was a lovely place to visit. Very cold and great scenery.
hi! I'm a geography student in UPD. i hope you don't mind that i'll be citing this blog post in my term paper. i'm doing an analysis about baguio as designed by burnham and baguio as it is now. THAAAANKS! :))
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