When I was a student at the
Ateneo de Manila University, I would see a small white and blue bridge leading to a wooded area from the road every time my dad (who was a professor there) and I arrived in the morning and left in the afternoon. I finally gave in to curiosity and crossed it one day. In the middle of the woods was a greenhouse where Botany and Biology students kept their plant experiments. What a delight to see that the bridge is still there and still painted white and blue. One of these days, I'm going to cross it again and find out if the greenhouse is still there. If it's not, I'll just follow the path of mossy stones and see where they lead me.

This is my 100th post! Time goes by so fast…
Great photo, seems to have evoked some nice memories for you.
Congratulations on your 100th post.
Congrats on the 100th post! And great story to go with your photo.
Go Ateneo!
wow! congratulations on your 100th post, cheers for more post :)
For sure, that bridge is asking to be crossed. And congratulations on your 100th post! It's all probably helped you look at your town differently.
Congratulations on your 100th post. The bridge looks like it came out of a fairy tale.
Congratulations on your 100th post. I'm glad I found this blog when I started mine. I've enjoyed your insightful photos and stories and am looking forward to more of them in the future.
félicitation pour ton 100th post, bravo et bonne continuité.
on attend la suite de l'histoire et que tu retraverses le pont....pour voir si le passé est toujours présent.
congratulations for your 100th post, bravo and good continuity.
is expected following the story and you retraverses the bridge .... to see if the past is always present.
Plant experiments? A lost forest? An overgrown jungle? There is an old 50s movie called The Day of the Triffids where after a fantastic meteor shower everyone on earth goes blind and the plants start growing, and growing, and eventually take over the world (and eat the inhabitants). This shot reminds me of that!
WHat a whimsical bridge! I love it. I can see why you felt the urge to go exploring.
Congratulations on post #100! Your blog is a joy to read and I am looking forward to the next 100 posts.
a small bridge which will make you pass on the side of the old blogueurs
What a charming photograph of a beautiful bridge. Lovely setting. When you cross it, please show us what you see.
And many congratulations on your 100th post.
Well done on making the first 100! I enjoy your blog so keep up the good work! :)
The bridge looks really nice, and it sounds intriguing to cross.
Whimsical and charming indeed. I love the stairs (wooden?) going up the hillside.
Ken Mac: too funny!
I agree. With such bridge leading to something covered in lush vegetation it can't be helped.
Congratulations! 265 more to go before the first anniversary.
It's definitely says, "cross me". Nice post.
Congratulations on the 100th post.
Keep us posted on what you find on the other side of the bridge. I hope the green house is still there.
Happy 100th - so nice to have you as a blogging friend!!
I am really curious about what is on the other side of that bridge - keep us informed!!!
Let's go! I was out at a local college yesterday photographing the landscaping. It was a pleasure to see the work they do.
...And congratulations on your 100th post!
Your blog is very interesting. I have liked it very much and it me has brought over to Manila.
A greeting from Barcelona.
Many congratulations on the 100th post! Look forward to reading about your crossing the bridge...
...to the perfectly preserved past!
Belated congratulations. I am a poor bloggr this week.
You have really educated me about an area I know very little of.
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