A house in our neighborhood. I have no idea why they're displaying banners of
Shakey's Pizza and
Jollibee on their fence. My guess is the family who lives there owns the franchise of the nearest branches.
Find more Odd Shots—or post your own—at Katney's Kaboodle.
Oh my. Here where I live that would not be permitted.
This is an odd shot, no doubt! Banners on a private house?! It's a shame because we can not see it and it looks great...
This is definitely different!
en effet très étrange et surtout que c'est laid, quelle mauvaise idée. En France cela serait interdit.
indeed very strange, especially since it's ugly, what bad idea. In France it would be prohibited.
It would certainly attract attention but, as Olivier says, we wouldn't be allowed to do that here.
Re. your comment on Valbonne. Those wrought iron bars aren't really balconies. They're there to stop people leaning out too far and falling.
If your theory is true, then this is an example of "blow your own horn". Or maybe they rented out their fence for advertising space.
Community rules and city sign laws wouldn't allow that in our corner of the world....and I had no idea Shakey's pizza still existed at all. All the ones I ever knew about shut down in my area years ago.
Proof positive... everyone has their price ;-)
Perhaps a residual privacy fence.
et bien, c'est pas drôle tout ceci, en France, je pense que cela serait simplement interdit !
enfin, je pense que l'on peut faire sa pub différement, mais peut-être est-ce bie, perçu chez vous ? !
I'm glad that house isn't in our neighborhood! But it would be interesting to know why the banners are there.
Wow, signs like these would not be permitted in residential areas here. You made me do some checking. I didn't know that Shakey's Pizza was still in business. All the one's in Arizona are long gone but, I did discover that they do still exist in California and according the the link you provided, there are quite a lot of them in your part of the world.
Advertise or burst, perhaps?
I think this definitely qualifies as an odd shot. I don't think our neighborhood association would allow advertising in front of our home. :)
They would not allow that here either! Very interesting.
Hmmm....I'd like to have a delivery though...lol. Matagal na deliver jollibee?
Certainly an odd shot! Nice find.
Happy new year.
That looks like a beautiful home hidden behind all that garish clutter.
Apart from the banners, the green around the house looks stunning. I wish it was as warm here as well. EnjoY the sunshine! Ciao. A.
This is a great odd shot!
I think you are guessing right.
A smart way to advertise ... :D Does the city/municipality has the right to tax advertisement placed in one's own fence? (Just wondering, Hilda.).
Interesting shot! Maybe they get paid to advertise on their fence. In Pakistan we have huge billboards on some peoples roofs.
That is very odd. In a world where people will auction off the name of their unborn child, I would not be surprised if this is a new form of advertising.
Maybee because of money for 'advertising'? In Poland on many houses you can see such banners. (It is forbidden, but there is a legal loophole, and may people uses it.)
Only upscale neighborhoods here have aesthetic rules. Almost everywhere else, you can pretty much post anything on your house or fence as long as it's not pornographic or violent.
Nothing residual about this fence. Almost all houses in Metro Manila have privacy fences or walls.
I have no idea. But I suspect not as long as it's not a billboard.
It was an on-and-off thing for many years. They only got the delivery service ironed out the past two years or so. Very reliable now. Except that the branch assigned to our area always doesn't have the salads I like!
Such a tasteful almost elegant home and this. Crazy!
i think so! hahaha... unless they were paid for that.
That certainly is an odd shot and interesting decor!
I think Jollibee and Pizza Hut are paying the owner of this house to advertise on their fence. A new advertising strategy?
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