May 11, 2009


I don't know if this was supposed to be an office or condominium building, or what company was constructing it, but it has been standing unfinished behind the Quezon City Hall for more than a decade. An eyesore and a waste.

tall unfinished building behind the Quezon City Hall

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Olivier said...

peut être les conséquences de la crise ? mais c'est triste a voir.

may be the consequences of the crisis? but it is sad to see

Lowell said...

Good grief - 10 years is a long time. Some years ago there was a huge apartment complex in Davie, Florida that looked something like that, but finally and all of a sudden, someone began to fix it up and now it looks quite nice.

Bergson said...

it can make a picture graph

Unknown said...

You are right, Hilda, unfinished buildings are a true eyesore, but on the other hand, your photo is just great!

Rune Eide said...

I have a feeling that it wouldn't be much better if it were finished. It has a certain monumental look that I don't appreciate. IT is indeed odd that it just stands there.

Brad said...

Just think of what the place is hiding. The homeless, even criminal activity. If it has been there for 10 years, rip it down. Then make the land a park, or something else to raise the spirits of the surrounding neighborhood.

That is the chicken said...

But it makes a great photo. It's so huge! You're right it is a waste.

Lois said...

Wow I can't believe it has stood unfinished like that for so long! That's a great picture though. You're right, it is an eyesore! Hopefully one day someone will come along and finish it.

Halcyon said...

That is a shame. It's certainly not doing anyone any good just sitting there half finished. And I hate to think of all the money that was wasted on getting it that far. :(

VP said...

What so unusual with this?
I'm joking, but sadly this is not so uncommon in Italy.
The photo is really awesome!

nobu said...

Great shot!!

Unknown said...

What a shame that this building wasn't finished. Eyesore or not - you've captured it very well!

Zannnie said...

Indeed a pity and I don't fancy very much unfinished buildings - reminds me of construction areas with annoying mosquitoes breeding opportunities usually in asia's climate.

Thanks for your visit to budapestdailyphoto, do pop by again!

zannnie & zsolt

Cezar and Léia said...

What a pity!
MAybe "the money was over"! :-)

Saretta said...

My father would call that a "boondoggle" and I call it a pity!

Anonymous said...

They actually got this far & stopped? My gosh, that really IS a shame!

Don and Krise said...

It reminds me of another construction "mistake" I read about a while back. Check this out!

crocrodyl said...

It is sad...

marley said...

Yes, not very pretty! It is a waste.

Anonymous said...

It reminds me of eastern Europe - I saw lots of half-finished buildings like this there.

Kaori said...

I'm sure it was suppose to be a really nice building...that's too bad no one finished it. Like the photo though :) Has it stood there for so long because of the cost of demolition?

Reena said...

yeah, i've seen this one nga. as far as i know, this has a pending case in court kaya natigil construction.

by law kasi sa QC, no structure at a certain area should be talller than the Quezon's memorial. but i'm not sure if that was the case here. the city hall is also tall, diba? hehe...

gogouci said...

You're artistic viewpoint makes this an interesting eyesore.

Layrayski said...

abandoned buildings make me sad. But it is an eyesore and such a waste. I wonder what it's supposed to be.

PJ said...

How strange that it hasn't been finished or else removed.

Hilda, do you know anything about the person who does Ubersee. The photographs are fantastic. Did you get the calendar for your desktop?

Irina said...

Looks very lonely. Maybe it dreams to be skyscraper.

CJ said...

Beautiful photograph of wasted space.

lunarossa said...

Looks pretty awful. So grey and impersonal! If had been finish at least...Thanks for the birthday wishes. Ciao. A.

TwD said...

Just came from Greece, it's quite common to see unfinished houses. But that is a real monster!

penny said...

Great shot, Hilda. We have unfinished buildings too but nothing this huge.
Thanks for visiting.
Be well, be happy, Pam i am...:)

Ingrid said...

That looks horrible indeed, just like in a horror movie !

escape said...

this reminds me of the sheraton hotel in cebu which was closed because of technical problems. not sure with this. maybe of fund issues.

Tussy said...

We are just thinking the same
My Bangkok Through My Eyes!

Nice_Cox said...

Hi! I posted your picture in my blog. In thanks, I put a link to your blog in the image caption so anyone interested can find your blog. I hope you don't mind.